Dude, this is severely needed. There are puddles around the urinals at work by the end of the day. You’ve got to take a wide stance in order to not be walking in piss
Dude, this is severely needed. There are puddles around the urinals at work by the end of the day. You’ve got to take a wide stance in order to not be walking in piss
According to the 15th amendment, “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”
My son goes to public school, so it’s probably not an issue, but I would have never thought to even read about rules for hair. I’ve sent my son with blue hair, multi color hair, and he had his school picture taken with a mohawk (which has been his everyday hair for about a year now). I don’t understand how the color…
They are also great to put on the bottom corners of pictures hung on a wall. it keeps the frame (or back of canvas) from scratching/marring the wall, and keeps it from going crooked as easily
They are also great to put on the bottom corners of pictures hung on a wall. it keeps the frame (or back of canvas)…
+1 for AroramaPix. All my orders have been consistently great. Their books are really nice, lay totally flat and have thick, sturdy pages. The interface to make books needs to be improved, but the product quality is solid.
+1 for AroramaPix. All my orders have been consistently great. Their books are really nice, lay totally flat and…
He’s such a liar and worships people like G Gordon Liddy - there’s no reason to even try to flip him. You can’t trust anything he says. Best bet is to just gather any evidence he has on his electronics and throw him in a cell with no chance of a deal.
Not disagreeing with that. But you aren’t taxed on your wealth. You’d be taxed on the income it generates. If you have 100 million sitting in the bank, none of that is taxed at all. Whatever income that money generates is taxed, but not the money in the account. The initial discussion was about wealth vs tax revenue.
You don’t pay taxes on wealth - you pay taxes on income.
My kids are 5 and 3, and if it is just me in the car with them, we listen to my music, which is mostly heavier stuff. A lot of My Dying Bride, Dominia, and Dimmu Borgir, along with others. I think they like the break from all the kid stuff my wife plays for them, because a lot of the time, as soon as they get into the…
My wife and I have 2 kids, one of which just started kindergarten, with before and after care. The other is in full time daycare/pre-k, which lets both of us work full time. Neither of us has any family nearby, and we haven’t been able to really connect with other parents, so it’s all on us.
Thanks! I’ll try.
We have an older set of harry potter books that we’ve been saving to read to our kids. It’s been a long time since I’ve read them - would a 5 year old be able to handle at least the first one?
One method we’ve used with that is to pull out a bunch of boxes and let them mix their own bowl. Cheerios, Mini wheats, and Bran flakes, all together? Go for it. Every time they make their own creations and diversify a bit. We also let them know the day before that the next day will be something different - we rotate…
Ugh. When we were new parents, we had that with my son. He exploded in the car, and when my wife took him into the Cracker Barrel bathroom, there was an aftershock. Apparently she ended up with 3 women helping her, poop all over the wall, the kid, and her. That was about an hour into what ended up as a 5 hour drive.
In our last place, our cats turned the oven on more than once. Had to figure out how to lock it out to stop that from happening
I’m glad that The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep worked for you, but after I tried it a few times, it went into my ‘never see the light of day again’ pile. My son was wired listening to it, and I couldn’t stand the droning repetition of it. I even read the directions and read in the way the author recommends, but my…
I’m in the same boat with a 4 year old and a 2 year old that mentally exhaust us.
When we thought our son was ready, we went with the Oh Crap! method. We had a 3 day weekend with both of us off, and were ready. The first day of the pantsless weekend started, and we put some protection down on the hardwood floors to make cleanup easier. Right off the bat, he drops a deuce on the floor. No problem,…