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    Wasn’t Regis the vampire?

    Dude, this is severely needed. There are puddles around the urinals at work by the end of the day. You’ve got to take a wide stance in order to not be walking in piss

    My guess is that it would be as structurally sound as MDF. Small or properly stabilized parts would be fine, but larger parts that aren’t reinforced might sag over time, like MDF will. One of the big game changers I see is how they can embed a grain pattern into the wood to add interest

    The info on my card is just handwritten with a pen by the people that injected me. If I laminated it and then need a booster, couldn’t they just give me a new card and transcribe the original info to the new card?

    I get that there is a specific focus of the paper (which I can’t read because it’s behind a paywall), but it seems to be missing a major subsidy - the cost of keeping production stable through the military. If it wasn’t for oil, we wouldn’t have nearly the overseas presence we do. The cost of that isn’t paid for by

    Now playing

    Fake Arnold tried to address this a bunch of years ago:

    I don’t think he’ll try to pardon himself, that’s probably one issue he’s paid attention to. I’d expect that last minute he’ll resign and have Pence pardon him instead. That, or he’ll arrange a pardon as part of a peaceful transition of power

    That’s awesome. I didn’t know something like that existed, and now has me thinking

    This article is kind of old, but do they still use BPA in thermal paper?

    According to the 15th amendment, “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” 

    Seeing this, I can’t get the image of the people in Wall-E out of my head. Apparently that’s our future.

    I was hoping they would fix the timeline issues that annoyed me in the first two books of short stories. I almost stopped reading them because the skipping around of timelines was annoying. My wife didn’t read the books, and was really confused by the reference to the king as a child. The fact that Yennefer and Geralt

    My son goes to public school, so it’s probably not an issue, but I would have never thought to even read about rules for hair. I’ve sent my son with blue hair, multi color hair, and he had his school picture taken with a mohawk (which has been his everyday hair for about a year now). I don’t understand how the color

    They are also great to put on the bottom corners of pictures hung on a wall. it keeps the frame (or back of canvas) from scratching/marring the wall, and keeps it from going crooked as easily

    They are also great to put on the bottom corners of pictures hung on a wall. it keeps the frame (or back of canvas)

    +1 for AroramaPix. All my orders have been consistently great. Their books are really nice, lay totally flat and have thick, sturdy pages. The interface to make books needs to be improved, but the product quality is solid.

    +1 for AroramaPix. All my orders have been consistently great. Their books are really nice, lay totally flat and

    He’s such a liar and worships people like G Gordon Liddy - there’s no reason to even try to flip him. You can’t trust anything he says. Best bet is to just gather any evidence he has on his electronics and throw him in a cell with no chance of a deal.

    Not disagreeing with that. But you aren’t taxed on your wealth. You’d be taxed on the income it generates. If you have 100 million sitting in the bank, none of that is taxed at all. Whatever income that money generates is taxed, but not the money in the account. The initial discussion was about wealth vs tax revenue.

    You don’t pay taxes on wealth - you pay taxes on income.


    In my experience, it does! (After repeated attempts and a few google searches.)