Oh GM, you really know how to please a man, the manual truck circle jerk is about to reach sweet climax
Oh GM, you really know how to please a man, the manual truck circle jerk is about to reach sweet climax
Forza is fun, I'll stick to forza, because I like fun.
special to drive? how many x3, q3, or rx350 owners care whether or not their trophy wife/little princess has an engaging driving experience while cruising from yoga to their juice cleanse class? better yet, how many luxury car owners care about the driving experience?
not saying it drives boring. I'm saying I think it looks like a camry
camry with a turbo...
good luck finding a surface pro meme online
return of the boxes!!
heard carols ghosn speak in person at my uni. Man has style and swagger unlike anyone in the industry, and in true french (yes I know he's not french) style, his assistants are all beautiful women plucked from runways.
I honestly hope it's not much smaller. miata's great and all but only short people can fit into it without heavy modifications. even a 350z is too small for me to heel-toe in. looking forward to this car.
from the amount of tall people bashing, I'm guessing there are a lot of vertically challenged men who frequent this site... the commentariot is starting to make a lot of sense now.
courtesy is for the losing party, when I'm in an aluminum can for 13 hours I make sure I can bear it. If the guy in front of me cared he wouldn't lean his seat back.
also 6'4, what I do is immediately try to fall asleep with my face on the tray table and use my head and torso as a support beam that prevents the guy in front of me from reclining his seat.
oh hai infinity
yeah IMO it looks like it could use an actual designer to smooth out the design. It looks like a tuner job, albeit a nicer one.
spelling is for liberal arts majors, I hav spell chek