
I'm saying the sales figures are just as good. To date, the mkz sold 26k in 2013 and the ATS has sold 30k. However, the first 2 months the mkz sold below 1000 because of a turbulent launch, then sales figures have more or less matched the ATS until now. I suspect the mkc will sell even better because this segment is

did you not see the 2013 sales figures literally 2 columns next to the 2011? did you even click the link. and while it's no 3 series, it's almost as good as the ATS


as an engineer I have 1 beef with this car, where although minor, pisses the left side of my brain off to no end. And that is having the touch screen tilted up so the glare through the windshield or sunroof can show off all the fingerprints. It's the one thing I hate about Lincolns and the one thing that never seems

prepare for the unwashed snobmob to bitch because it's not based on a RWD car with a diesel option

try chrysler, they'll fucking take anybody

if you haven't noticed, most of the people on this site operate as a loosely organized mob that attack you if you don't follow the typical jalop tropes to a T.

i have in through 2 michigan winters in a mustang with all seasons

read my post again. I never said they're better, I said they'll suffice. For someone with such a superior intellect to mine, you sure need retake your 8th grade reading comprehension class.

better doesn't mean they're necessary. of course they're better, they're specifically designed to do the job, but it doesn't mean you're up shits creek without them..

if you live in a semi-urban area the roads will be plowed. Show me the data comparing low temperature stopping on dry pavement for all seasons and winters. Also, for daily driving, you're going to be limited by the traffic around you, who likely won't have winters on. They help but they're not necessary, best bet is

thanks for the personal attack, and I live around Detroit so I've experienced snow.


winters are completely unnecessary.. the all seasons your car came with will do for 99% of driving unless you live somewhere that doesn't get plowed, and even still, the winters will only matter in deep snow.

no, only the mustang can still twerk.

missed opportunity for a wrecking ball parody kenny. so disappoint.

I also have a friend who was driving her car and got nailed by a semi. she was sober.

alex foley is the jalopnik detroit icon. I applaud your self awareness <3

excuse me?