
I wonder if Tesla's current public perception will drop after this

then describe how and why it would work without flaw every time. The class would love to be proven wrong.

flaws in your plan

wow I wish was as big and strong as you were and had the problem solving ability of an estwing. You sure are cool! going on the internet and acting like a tough guy. How much do you lift? Do you think one day, if I eat enough lead chips and protein shakes, I can become as tough as you?

highschool football player mentality doesn't work too great in the real world buddy.

nope, a bunch of thugs who use their helmets to bust open the range rover certainly wouldn't have guns on them and you're family has forcefields around them so they'll be safe in the crossfire right?

you beat me to it.

This counts right?

lithium ion batteries have a tiny internal resistance and a very high energy density. Any kind of short will make them go, as TheWatchman put it, full Ferrari very quickly.

he chose to stop in front of the range rover on the highway. That much is shown in the video. He could have rode on but he didn't, he chose to be a part of the mob that heckled the driver (detailed in the police report). Whether or not he was heckling, he chose to support the mob by being a part of the mob. So yes, he

the guy in the RR made this decision because the guys in the biker mob were hitting his car and threatening him according to police reports. also there was no accident, the guy who was brake checking the RR just brake checked into the RR and all the other thugs stayed behind to watch/help chastise the driver. And he

I'd say his reading comprehension is pretty decent. The man was a part of a group that menaced the man in the RR. He made his choice to be a moron when he decided to stay with the pack or rubberneck and paid for it. He also made his choice to not wear the proper gear.

you don't stop on a highway and hold up traffic. You want to pull to the shoulder and stop, fine. But you don't stop on a highway, especially if you're on a bike, and riding like a squid. It's common fucking sense. The guy is missing a few key chromosomes, doesn't seem society will miss him.

+1 if you go on the facebook page for that douchecanoe, the guy's wife says that the land rover driver permanently hurt her husband and "needs to pay for what he did"

The facebook page for the guy who got run over makes me want to campaign the idea of euthanizing anyone with an IQ under 100.

depends if the chick is a squid or not. squid chicks are the worst (if only just) because they feel like they have something to prove even more than the guys.

when in large groups of people, the intelligence of the group is only as high as the dumbest member....

when in large groups of people, the intelligence of the group is only as high as the dumbest member....

He should be MS CEO because he has a level head on his shoulders and builds things to last. Tech CEOs have a bad habit of being charismatic control freaks that don't allow people to become powerful enough under them to continue the business after they leave. Mullally doesn't care about power, he cares about building a