
if we don't see anything in the next 10 years, I'll be the first to admit I'm wrong.

Better than Tesla or GM? The ATS is a 40k car so that's why I'm comparing it to the 40k 3 series, and they are of similar quality with similar production methods. Though the ATS has the disadvantage of being a small part of what GM does, whereas the 3 series is BMWs moneymaker so it gets more attention.

Better than Tesla or GM? The ATS is a 40k car so that's why I'm comparing it to the 40k 3 series, and they are of similar quality with similar production methods. Though the ATS has the disadvantage of being a small part of what GM does, whereas the 3 series is BMWs moneymaker so it gets more attention.

The material quality on BMW's isn't actually that impressive. The design is. But materials are easily second to mercedes. If you were to compare say an ATS so a 3 series, I'm going to say the 3 series would be slightly better because that's the only thing BMW does, luxury sports sedans, so they're good at it. but

A car as good as the current model S in terms of overall quality? I'd say they'll come close with a flagship Cadillac if they ever make one. Though the short answer will be never. However my response is when will Tesla make a car comparable to anything GM makes? Tesla's manufacturing operation is closer to that of

GM, Ford, Nissan-Renault, VW, Honda, FIAT, and Hyundai would all make better cars than Tesla for cheaper, but there's no money in it so they don't. Tesla makes their profits from government subsidies and the reason why many of the big companies even bother making hybrid/electric vehicles (which they all lose money

you seriously underestimate general motors.. which is still the second largest automaker in the world (shortly will overtake toyota) even though they've been stripped of a lot of their non automotive resources from the bankruptcy. They've got money, resources, man power, and over 100 years of experience. I'm fairly

so what exactly makes a tesla so fundamentally different from say this?

I know some tech centers at companies I don't want to say lease cars, strip them down to the bare metal, then put them back together and return them to the dealership after the lease is up.

if the doors are power operated, not having a sensor to detect whether or not something fleshy is being closed on is actually a pretty significant oversight...

who let the banks deregulate for the past 30 years, who sat idly while insutry exploited their employees, customers, and locations of business?that's right, everyone in office. whether you are republican or democrat has about as much bearing on your political actions as the detroit red wings have on who wins the

as if the republicans aren't in bed with banks/industries?

I know thinking is hard but try it some time

maybe, but if it is an SVT car, I'm not sure they'd give it to roush just yet. SVT is located in a roush owned building though so there's that to consider too.

ROUSH is an engineering contract company, so they're just temporary labor for Ford, not actually a performance consultant.

of course they're working with roush, they're an engineering contractor... roush may be known for their performance division and NASCAR history but they're just an engineering contract company like any other.

Could it be they just threw another exhaust on there because it's a test mule? just the thought..


cramps are a bitch man

If I can tell whether or not I hate you just from looking at your bumper sticker, you're doing it all wrong.

I hate these.