
Bitches be trippin'

>California plate

If I'm going to get a flashy car, I'm going to get it in a cool, flashy color. I don't get the whole murdered out or clean white style craze. I don't want to look tough, I don't want to look aggressive, I don't want to look anything. It's my car and I want to enjoy it inside and out.


Can we please stop using the "proper" qualifier when talking about a vehicle? As if any other variation of the vehicle isn't worthy to exist because it isn't "proper."

That's a fantastic attitude from bill ford. I wish our nation would share that sentiment.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. These hipsters aren't going to save Detroit. They, and everything they stand for are a band-aid on a gushing deer slug wound. I am completely for gentrification of the city and having old, decrepit neighborhoods bought up by artsy kids from Oakland county, making the city

you might work with technology in the finance sector but your apparent knowledge of car communication networks is severely lacking... Though I agree that it's pointless to be afraid.

airbags are most certainly not self contained and are controlled from the steering ECU

read also: watch burgalers disable your security system FROM INSIDE YOUR HOUSE!!!

it's the white man keeping them down right??

no.... but she has rights to all future children, blood related or otherwise... I got nothing...

my half asian girlfriend's Asian mom is frightening at negotiation. frightening.

they would see piles of money and craft beer behind them

I feel your pain. I'm 6'4 with long ass legs and size 13 feet. Because of that I can't miata. period. I can't heal toe in a Z car. So I'm basically relegated by size so larger sports cars. Though ironically enough, I have no problem heal toeing in the focus ST

thats exactly how I was describing it. I hope they build on it because art deco is my favorite era

but but... I thought it has to have rear wheel drive to be worth anything to anyone?

there's not a single company in the detroit area I've heard of that offer pensions anymore.. or have offered pensions for the past 10 years (save the governmental jobs... but they pay so little anyway so I'm not mad about that)

they are already private, and there are options....