
I HAD to work for a union at ford when i was a co-op, got no bennefits, but lost a chunk of my paycheck every month and couldn't opt out. Unions used to be good but they're lazy, useless, and greedy now. Not to mention they bitch like 7 year old girls and file a hurt feelings report every time you tell them to do

there's an internal story at ford about MFT, and it involves telling microsoft to gtfo because ford could handle it from there. Microsoft did SYNC, which worked fairly well and was pretty good compared to it's competitors

I live in michigan so maybe the laws are different. But I was always taught that if you hit a pedestrian, you are always at fault until proven otherwise, no questions asked.

completely agree. I've found though that the steering wheel has most of the buttons I need, and for the ones it doesn't have, you can use the voice command button *ducks*

>22 years old

No, you're extrapolating his statement. He said the mom made a stupid decision. Of fucking course it was the audi driver's fault, no one deputes that because it's the law that pedestrians always have the right of way. He's just saying the lady took on unnecessary risk that ended up not paying off because her and her

I'm talking about the people that like complain about how horrendously bad MFT is.

you can either sign up to have an SD card mailed to you with the new software and you just plug it into the car and let it update, or you can download it yourself onto a USB

my brother had a similar problem in his focus ST, but it was fixed after a software update

I think once the forum flames start spilling into the mass media, that's when the mouth breathers start lighting their torches and pitchforks so they can get their 5 dollar settlement.

have you been regularly updating it? ford puts out software updates every few months for MFT, they fixed A LOT of the problems I had early on.

I think it's a snowballing effect. People who want to take out a class action suit against anyone they can will jump on the high profile bandwagon with the most momentum. That's where the volume comes from... I'm also interested in how many of those people actually own a ford

MFT isn't great but it isn't as terrible as people make it out to be... it's mostly just negative hype to get people to click on articles a la the "LETS ALL RIDE TESLA'S DICK" articles. My car has MFT and it was frustrating for all of 2 hours before I figured out how to use it and now I really don't have any

are you a yahoo commenter by any chance?

oh god... at work but can't stop watching

even still, Other 300ZXs go for at least 6 grand

2k isn't a bad asking price for a rolling chassis... for an extra 500-1000 bucks you can find a chevy/ford V8 to keep the V8 mod theme going.

expect to see Hyundai's reliability go down running plants at full tilt like that. Running 3 shifts, balls out isn't necessarily a good thing. Yes you get more cars out the door but your cars also suffer in quality because you can't retool the plant as often as you have to.

why is it racist to make fun of accents?

well third world countries love them some football, and Detroit is basically a third world country so I can see this catching on!