
Same. It’s all over my social media today. Thank you and god bless america.


All true. And, Bernie did not reach the black vote in the South. At all. And then he ignored it. For all Hilary’s widely known anti-black gaffs (years worth) Bernie had his fits and starts this past campaign and, like her (any pol except Trump) had to be forced into reasonable positions when the outcry was too loud.

I always heard twins are really close....

The public favor will swing back to Taylor because all the douchey antics by Kanye, Beib, and Kim are now just piling on..

Judge, DA, public defenders.. nationwide are all guilty of being a cog in an unfair and unjust system.

She was in the pageant and all the run-up and then she wins, and.. BOOM! Her posts come to light. Dam, that runner up was pissed.

I like her, and then she said all those stupid things last year related to that stupid suffrage movie and I didn’t like her as much. Then she got all cool talking up Hilary and I liked her again. Stay you, Meryl.

On point. And that typo.. “complaints on our “shoe” makes it funnier, if that’s possible.

Ugh. Come on, dude.

Good for Jr. He was real, and best in his era in my opinion. Lots of non-white folk laughed when all the old white male writers and stupid managers would complain about his cap. Jr is the nicest and most easy going guy - has his on-field temper tantrums like all ball players - you want on your team. And those old

Awesome. She is so badass and this trailer is already the best DC movie. Dudes get all into what she is wearing, missing the irony of dudes again focusing on what a woman is wearing as their primary comment. Dummies. She’s a god, or demigod or whatever, raised on a fricking island, and... it’s a comic! I’m sure

You think only whites were fighting in that war, the next war, the next war, the previous wars, and any other war fought by Americans? Jesus, learn something beyond what your 5th grade teacher taught you.

She stupid. And, poor Jos A. Banks untimely ad...

Love her. She is the best athlete in the world right now.

Title chasing. And the right move!

Brene Brown’s entire career is built around vulnerability.

“20 minutes of action” He called it “Action”. ACTION!! FUCK HIM. Son -father, one and the same. Compare this barely human semen generator with the dad whose daughter was murdered - he jumped across the divider in court and tried to get to that smiling murderer. That dad? Yes. Real. This dad/rape apologist? Fuck no,

Others gave their lives, as Tom Landry points out below/above; Ali gave up his prime to fight the government of their stupid war, fought his conscription, and lost would may have been his best 3 years of his career. Fighting against that stupid war is magnified by the fact, that can never be left out, he was a black

I wonder how many of the “And such and such wife” agreed or even knew their husband was up to doing something so stupid and shitty? It’s Texas..