
Thank you for this. As an old guy who heard of Ali in the 60's, without fully understanding him/the attention, and then as a young kid in the 70's who loved Ali, it is sad to see his passing. The events and attention his fights, protests, interviews, travels, and more generated may never be seen again. To think that

Why would he sit there and defend that guy who beat that woman? Why not just say... all the right things - it was awful. We are ashamed of him. These are not our standards. Serious consequences and stuff like that. Then, just do nothing like you’re doing now like a good SEC school. At then you may just retain a teeny

Fuck, he’s no worse (no, he’s worse) than TNT and ABC and CBS and NBC during ALL sporting events in Oakland (A’s, Raiders, Warriors, Bay Bombers (lol)) who show San Fran endlessly while going to/coming back from commercials! Oaktown folk have been complaining about that shit since at least the 70's!

Going down and breathing aren’t mutually exclusive.

Welp, back to the basement, dude.

sheez. I’m too old for this shit. And yet, I want more.

This group of women... they are the real fantastic 4.

How can I tear up on that? Dammit. Cuz I have a daughter and your dad is a hero. Thank you for sharing him, and thank him for being himself.

To every Jez woman responding: stars to you all. Fuck that “friend” and let’s hope he gets significant jail time, loses his job, and loses any relationship he has.

She doesn’t see dicks, dammit. You take her into a stall so she can do her business. A grown man can’t take his daughter into the women’s bathroom, duh!

Raise your hand if you’ve ever taken your daughter to the public restroom and nobody batted an eye? And now, apparently white men have evolved to “protect” everyone in every bathroom, but especially inside Walmart and Target. #homeofthebrave.

The video is beautiful. And made me sleepy in a good way. I love her and the dress and always those dam hands.

As a mostly non white American born and raised male I have interacted known worked for taught been taught by talked to listened to watched rooted for voted for and basically learned how to see understand and acclimate myself to the white man and yet I know nothing of what makes so many white men be such fucking babies

lol. No. But now I will look it up!

Saw that game as a kid. Folk these days don’t know how fucking good and ultra cool Dr J was. Best athlete in the country IMHO at the time. A rock star. When he joined the NBA he killed those NBA players and teams many of whom said he wouldn’t dominate like he did in the ABA. Of course he did. His stats match up with

Is there any way that I as a man (don’t laugh) can apologize to all women for all time - past, present, future- for that ending statement by that “judge”?

Nothing says reparations by a school with hundreds of billions and billions of dollars like a .... Plaque. Good start.

It’s funny how most folk here don’t think it’s true because no one can imagine him having sex. We know he has had sex with a women at least once or twice. And that his daughter wants him never to touch her again and his wife lost her mind in a park one night and... Wait. Chewy... It's all true. All of it.

It's not cool about the threats. And... His band mates willingly played/sang back up to his fucking stupid lyrics. So, they suck too.

No. It's 2016 and he's still a sought after person, duh. So he has had to fucking learn.