Articles like this one should be filed under: White Privilege.
Articles like this one should be filed under: White Privilege.
November 5th, oh how I long for that morning of fresh coffee, chilly air, and post election celebration of no more Trump sex talk.
OMG. why is she hold that plastic bag?! Is that a hand condom for Trump?
“Hey, Curt Shilling is on TV defending you”
She’s our representative when the alien overlords finally want to take over forever. Michelle O will simple represent and the overlords will say: “Oh, okay, you’re right. You’re in charge from now on”.
*white men
Cosigned. I’ll add in: I hate the Beatles music. All of it.
Jesus H. Christ - God.
Good for him! A good news story - thanks!
Rich white lady lamely attempts defend rich white man by lamely attacking rich white lady who is running for president by using rich black lady’s song lyrics that are about rich black lady’s husband. This is... rich.
Thanks. Seeing tonight.
“In Silicon Valley we promote diversity”.. ha ha ha ha ha!!! He’s a comedian, too!
Her sign off “All the best” is disgusting in light of her position and direction not to feed people food.
She wore it.. but who the fuck names something a pussy bow? Oh, men.
White lady logic and akin to white man logic that says: I got pulled over by a cop and I didn’t get shot.
Thank you so much for showing this! I’ve spent 14 hours searching the interweb for an older white male to provide expert analysis and defense of those despicable words. Glad you found at least 1 older white male to defend those words! I’ll keep looking - hope the other Jezzies can look, too, and maybe we’ll find at…
Young girl. Black. There’s the two answers to all the questions of why this is all happening.
You know, all those stories about Trump destroying the Republican Party ... while there may be truth to that from a young POC voting block.. I think he’s damaging the myth of the all powerful while male. He is the wizard behind the curtain and the emperor with no clothes. All future white male candidates for office…
It’s weird. Why would people not watch what is known as the “No Fun League””? Their bullshit catch rules, penalizing a Washington “fucking” Redskins player for... pretending to SHOOT A BOW AND ARROW!! That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen that league do maybe. Oh and dumb ass coach of the Bills introducing a racist…
Reason #infinity he shouldn’t be elected, shouldn’t be allowed to lie again at the next debate and why he really should be imprisoned.