
Are we to understand the father doesn’t live with the child? If he lives there, why wasn’t he charged? And if he doesn’t live there.. did the child get normal food while in the father’s care? There seems to be missing facts here...

Is this... intersectionality? Asking for a friend.

I wonder what Tm Burton has to say on this subject...?

I think he as the same name as Batwoman’s father.

The movie was dumb and stupid all around and his take on The Joker was awful. Will and Margot were good enough; the plot - lol. It was all just a mess of a movie. I enjoyed watching it.

No better place to hand with Mike Tyson than in the upside down, tbh.

Who are these people? Jesus, don’t we have enough idiots on team Trump with his sons and all?

I’m (not) lovin it!


“It’s not about the money” - said only by rich white men, ever.


Like the wise women who raised me would say: He stupid.

Stupid men try to make another stupid decision about WOMEN and their bodies/rights and it backfires. Couldn’t see that coming.

Wealthy school, with wealthy faculty, with wealthy friends who manage all those $35B dollars... lost money because the wealthy friends made bad investments and so instead of charging their wealthy student’s families who get their affirmative action, er, legacy tuition, they sit on their rich hands and deny living

I am of an age where I could have met/married her. But no, the universe put them together and kept me the fuck away. Thank you, universe, for you are wise as fuck.

Just imagine in an alternate world.. a black man running for president, with 3 wives, who cheated on his wives, who lusts after his daughter, who has 5 kids by those 3 wives, who lost a billion dollars in other people’s money, who flaunts the tax laws and says he’s a genius, who says America isn’t great, who threatens

Why is she wearing that hairstyle made famous by all those famous white models and celebrities on instagram?

This is the result of rich white men creating crappy and fake tax laws designed to reward them and guard their money/wealth from losses. Plain. Simple. This is america for you.

So he has broken the law repeatedly - a 2-time offender, and now he’s gonna get shot by a cop, right?

Old Woody Allen banging young women in every one of his movies come to mind as gross art imitating gross life.