JC needs a vacation

I think for WW she should go with plate greaves and cuisses, and have all that (plus the vambraces there) actually match the color and style of the rest of her armor. As-is, it looks like she went digging around a museum shop and threw what she found over her rodeo clothes.

Looks like a boardgame die, say 2.5-3cm maybe?

Every day. EVERY DAY on my cellphone. The phone rings, I look and see a new long distance call. If I'm near a computer, I pop the number into Google and discover yet another new number for Rachel. It's to the point where if it's a LD call, I just ignore it... hopefully I never have an important long distance call.

It'd be a long slow slog evacuating everyone who needs to be evacuated, but we've got a pretty decent supply of iodine tablets for everyone (since the major issue post-blast is people absorbing things like radioactive iodine isotopes into their thyroids...) and putting out the fires. The next bigger issues involve

I'm hoping Ting gets in on this early, since it would just be a $6 add-on to your existing plan to have a whole new 3G/4G connection.

Two questions:

http://bit.ly/QI0QA3 (links to wikipedia page "user:ionek/wtf")

I always just ordered a chicken sandwich (back when it didn't have tomato), added tomato and added the mcnugget sweet & sour sauce. I think the McKinley Mac sounds ... just a wee bit much for me.

I've tried a number of different headphones and, it seems, can't find anything better until you hit the $50 point... some of which still have crappy tips. I've picked up the Comply tips using what I call my "computer monitor" argument: "Pick up the best computer monitor you can get, because even when you switch

*mind crashes, reboots, hopes for ONE exception to rule 34, please...*

The Ravenclaw one includes the Hitchhiker's Guide. I can just imagine a wizardborn reading about how humans think digital watches are nifty and wondering, "What the heck is a digital watch?"

A little research shows me that Booster Gold came about around '86, so there's a possible tie with Dollar Bill from the Watchmen comic.

I bought a pack of Comply squishy tips, as was suggested to me. They sound and fit better, now.

"Land of the Free*"

You could also make folders named Foldername.ItemGUID for each item in the control panel, using the canonical names from http://bit.ly/ZNlFrV (link to msdn) ... if you wanted to. They'd even take ever so slightly less time to run and (in NTFS, but not FAT) less space, since they're just empty folders with no content.

You might be interested in thepiratebay.se/legal

A number of porn starlets play, and apparently do so very well.[1]

You might want to check out the work of Zdzislaw Beksinski. He did some similar normal-meets-nightmare style imagery.


Oddly enough, my first one was the "Mostly Harmless"... I've a suspicion they're completely random.