JC needs a vacation

Never read any Booster Gold. For some reason, every time I got near a comic that featured him, I started to feel nauseous. No idea why.

Touched on in the movie Mystery Men, where Captain Amazing set the whole plot in motion so he could build more advertising revenue. He's directly responsible for the release of Cassanova Frankenstein and, ultimately, his own demise.

I only know the story, not any of the reasoning behind it, sorry. :(

We're not so lucky, in the US.

I heard from some Japanese friends that after the Nagasaki bombing, they had "walking dead" who would find their way to camps. There's a story of a soldier offering his canteen to thirsty not-survivors, and was ordered by his superior to not give it to them. He did anyway, and watched as these poor people took a sip

Also somewhat incorrect, since the Milky Way (the source of the majority of the objects in the sky visible at night) is about 1000ly thick and 100kly across.[1] In fact, one estimate puts 14,600 stars within 100ly of Earth, so there's a good number of them whose light left its star while you were still alive.[2] Nice

Needs more MegaMac (image url

... wear more pants and baggy tops, got it.

Site: http://cooleycooley.blogspot.com/2012/07/the-loneliest-unicorn.html

Sooo.... what's the chance you'll do a Vin Diesel?

https://play.google.com/store/apps/collection/promotion_2013_play_birthday (Link to the deal gerry1502 mentioned. Previously on Giz at http://gizmodo.com/5988854/googles-giving-away-free-stuff-all-week-for-google-plays-one+year-birthday?tag=dealzmodo )

I'd say because the parent post included the words "that 18 y.o. blonde in the middle has eyes 1/4 the size of her face", so I was just trying to be helpful.

That's Rapunzel from "Tangled", btw.

This[0] web applet lets you simulate the thermal damage of various historic nuclear weapons. I chose the 21kt model, as a reasonable compromise between the 40kt German high-end estimate[1] and the probably more accurate 9kt South Korean estimate.

After dealing with the public for years, I always assumed this was an overestimate.

1. I didn't use "habitual be" nor did I mock it. Please note that your response includes "You are all misusing" and yet it's to me directly, rather than to the person who did, in fact, use it in that manner. I also never implied that I use "habitual be". I'd also like to note that these aren't scare-quotes or mocking

I have the opinion that AAVE has become de-linked from its parent demographic, as many AA's have given up on the vernacular with the understanding that it makes them look ignorant and unemployable. Unfortunately, there's a saying that nature abhors a vacuum, so a number of other groups have started to pick up the

Might be fun to try out one of those "burning" lasers on a drone's cameras.

...unrelated, but what would your reaction be to a coworker who signs your name to the logbook at work? He says, "I signed your name, looks pretty good, huh?" and acts as if I'm supposed to be grateful. Also creepy.

I understand the "be" abuse, it's about wanting to sound urban-American. The apostrophe abuse is what got linguistic sensibilities upset.