
Because mass-tattooing of people has been so great in the past.

This looks close. I’d just go DNR bracelet and order in wallet.

This is truly the most important point. Well done.

So to summarize: We’re fucked for years, or even decades, to come.

No, I’m going to keep it exactly as is. With that settled, would you like to join us in our USA chant or not?

Wouldn’t help. Washington needs to start with a new owner.

You said it yourself: “Manning is a Hall of Famer—I think he shouldn’t be, and I also think he will be—it’ll be because he performed at his best on the biggest stages.”

So is being a professional Manning hater good money?

If any other team has any embarrassing comments like this, ill-advised roster changes, or other miscellaneous scandals, now is your opportunity. Go ahead, go nuts. Nobody will notice. You’re welcome.

“We don’t know exactly what we’re doing.”

The problem with the proposal is that the NFL is literally trying to bribe them to stop protesting. It’s not even an up-front thing, this league that prints money and pays Goodell $40M+ a year to be terrible at his job would only offer to spread it over six years. Offering to spend $15M a year on impoverished

Seems really irresponsible for them not to explain in plain English why theyre leaving, because I can see the right wing spin machine having a field day with this.

Wow.....there’s a lot going on in that picture

I haven’t seen an NFL player go back to the line with such regularity since Michael Irvin’s retirement party.

The 07' season was gloriously flukey but extending that rhetoric to the 2011 season in which they had no running game and a secondary that routinely got torched is just not true.

I’ve reread this three times trying to figure out if you think Geno Smith went to Western Michigan. You don’t say it, but then what is the relevance of Western Michigan to your buddy’s opinion otherwise? Why not say “My good friend has great dental hygiene and has been saying FOR YEARS...”? Baffling.

Sean, when the British Royal Family is officially more comfortable with a black person entering than you are with a black QB, it’s time for some soul searching, brother

michelle obama sure seemed to think the position had responsibilities, and i, for one, thank her for her herculean efforts.

Totalitarianism thrives by making sure there are no good choices.

Also keep in mind, no matter how fast your car is, someone, somewhere has built a civic that is faster.