
There are other types of addiction than chemical addiction. Emotional addiction is real and powerful. It’s the same way people get addicted to gambling or other non-drug related behavior.

Apolo Ohno is so much worse commentating the short track events. He was utterly and completely silent unless the other commentator prompted a question..Even then he offers no insights or commentary on the strategy of the race, or the athletes.

While we’re at it, the Brits in wigs were lawyers too.

Possibly because height doesn’t have anything to do with broadcasting ability? But maybe I’m crazy.

I didn’t think there was any doubt about the catch itself. I thought the doubt was in regards to first contact with the ball, i.e. Fuqua or Tatum.

Not to be a killjoy, but I just wanted to add something regarding the “mysterious” alloys. On the surface it seems really suspicious that “omg guys, our government doesn’t even know what these are!”

You. You are why we have problems.

I just feel like you didn’t have to be quite so aggressive.

Sorry. I get what you’re saying and all. I just don’t possess the sympathy required to give anyone a pass from a state that knowingly elects a child rapist to the Senate. It’s my failing, to be sure. But unfortunately in my mind you’re all going down together.

If any other team has any embarrassing comments like this, ill-advised roster changes, or other miscellaneous scandals, now is your opportunity. Go ahead, go nuts. Nobody will notice. You’re welcome.

I think the entire point of his article is that it is a sign of the times that we are willing to put immediately, personal convenience over literally everything else. Impact to other people, impact to environment, cost, etc etc.

I wouldn’t say practically any, but that’s definitely a readily available feature on the slightly more expensive models. I had a drip machine like that in college that I used as an alarm clock. Waking up to the sound of a drip coffee machine and smell of a fresh pot was the most pleasant way to wake up I’ve found so

Humans are definitively not monkeys. We are part of the Great Ape family of primates - at best a distant cousin of monkeys.

They could always just use the NFL model for selling jerseys where they have 3 different kinds of “authentic” and none of them are actually game spec.

Define medium tier? I have what I think of as an upper-mid tier PC and I can’t even come close to running games at 4k/60 fps. Is Forza just less demanding? I guess I can see how a track game could have most of the textures cached.

He didn’t say the spec 0-60 time is 16 seconds. That’s just what the driver did on this particular run to save the tires, which is sort of funny and ironic. I hope you aren’t under the impression the driver was giving it full throttle and it was geared so high it could only crawl along.

I know it’s hard to make the argument about being loyal to a tradition and heritage in today’s capitalist landscape, but it is so tragic to see him take Ferrari in this direction. Enzo, while admittedly an ass in his own right, never cared about money. He always spent as much as he made and more making Ferraris the

If the law worked the way I wanted it to, if I snuck up behind you and grabbed your side as a joke, and you jumped, fell of a curb, and broke your ankle, I’d be guilty of felony assault.

So, when you’ve heard the phrase “judge, jury, and executioner” you’ve thought of it as a positive thing?

“We’re going to bring in our Rules Expert, Ed Hochuli. What do you think, Ed?”