
I’m very concerned that his attempts to throw passes before he completely recovered will ruin his recovery for good. I’ve head anecdotes on both sides, but from what I’ve read labrum surgery is extremely sensitive. Overuse before healing is entirely done can cause inflammation and scar tissue buildup that can be hard

I agree with you wholeheartedly on 1-3. This season has been a mixed bag for me. The cars are faster and perform better, but if you get into the lead you’ve won. The aero packages and width of the cars make passing impossible unless there’s a half-mile straight with DRS.

That there is a torn patellar tendon. Reportedly one of the most painful leg injuries you can experience. Poor guy.

Diana, please keep writing articles like this. Based solely on the number of people enraged at it, we need more than ever.

Did you read the article? I would quote the answer to your question, but that’s what like 90% of the article is meant to do.

Apart from any of the unbelievable holes in the logic presented, let’s not ignore the actual point here.

Where did you play that allowed cleats like that? Every league I played in (also in ‘Murika) specifically disallowed cleats like that for safety reasons. Plastic studs only, and a couple leagues even disallowed removable studs so you couldn’t swap them out after the equipment check before the game.

I don’t even find that defense particularly compelling. Even if he did use the original expression, that doesn’t make it a lot better to me. I have only ever heard the phrase “inmates running the asylum” used in situations where there is a really profound power dynamic and one group really shouldn’t have a say in

Could you walk me through how you think words work?

I’m fairly certain “inmates running the asylum” would have bothered a lot of people too. It’s not exactly a lot better...

Really? Your move here is to defend a billionaire who compared his employees and their rights to inmates in a prison?

An incomplete pass?

Neither is standing for the anthem. That’s the point.

Where the fuck do you live where the majority of people are driving around without licenses and registrations?

Same here, it’s horrible. I live in Connecticut and honestly I think the problem is that our police literally just don’t care. The only violation I have ever seen someone get around here is for speeding. You can cruise in the left lane, tailgate, coast stop signs, run reds, not stop at crosswalks, etc etc.

I’m a little upset that we won’t get to see right-wing pundits contort themselves into explaining how a British national could be “disrespecting the flag.” That would have been fun to watch.

I am legitimately fearful for Eli’s well-being.

For a pretty simple reason actually. The extra batteries aren’t just there for added capacity. The more batteries you have wired in parallel, the more power they can put out. The more batteries you have in series (one after another), the more torque you have over the range. That’s an overly simplified explanation, but

The problem is that there are honestly so many players in the NFL who are not very wealthy and are playing to support themselves and their families. Everyone assumes that all the players are massively rich because all the marquis players are. But if you look at the contracts, the majority are in the 6 figure range -

Are you joking? This site is for Motorsport news. Do you really expect a Motorsport journalist to wait on publishing an article because some fans haven’t watched it yet?