
And we might get a sequel! From yesterday:

“It would have been a really good call if we would have made it,”

He said all that stuff isn’t science, it’s formulas. He strikes me as the type of guy who would say that with a straight face and actually believe it, too.

Man Who Benefitted From His Dad in Twitter Beef With Man Who Benefitted From His Son, reported on by Man Who Benefitted From His Dad.

Every time I see this kind of baloney, it only reinforces my belief that Bill Belichek is less some kind of evil genius than he is the Only Sane Man in the position of head coach in the NFL. Because you know the rap on Brady, that he is merely a bewilderingly good “system” quarterback? Well, that might be true, were

Literally none of this is about politics, and since when do Presidents being butthurt justify leaving a American citizens abroad?

I wanted to star you for that first sentence because I too am curious about the shots they got from that angle, but the rest of your comment has me saying “wtf?”.

I thought the last 10 months would have been sufficient warning about the dangers of replacing a competent black man with an inexperienced and unqualified white guy, but here we are again.

Wow your gratitude is cheap.

As a Jets fan this whole season has been like watching your clean-cut, straight A older brother that you’re always being compared to slide into an ugly heroin addiction. And kind of being ok with it.

Mushnick is the ELITE pick here.

I mean, he said it ranged from a personal secretary to Bob Taft. So he fucked Bob Taft.

Lord knows that when I look back on all the women I’ve loved, I primarily think about the men they worked for.

He fucked Bob Taft in a barn? kinky....

Wow. I guess good drivers are easier to replace than crappy writers.

If I have to suffer through large aircooled Project Car Hell, I’m taking everyone along for the ride.

He wanted a rebadged Holden. It’s a rebadged Holden.

No. Man, you know the answer is always and forever going to be no. Stop fucking asking, you are never allowed to use that fucking word.

only with the windows rolled up,

Roger Goodell: [murders Jerry Jones]