
It was past tense. Please get it right, Burke.

Hey said “fucked”. You heard it like 14 times in the video.

Burke, are you willfully misinterpreting “Steele *fucked* my mom,* or do we need to hook you up with some hearing aids?

It was real awkward at home when the same man yelled at Steele to “get in the hole!”

That’s a hot take.

“Nice stance, kid.”

Me and Adrian Peterson would have been dynamic.

Shadows are your friend here…

Ms. Lopez needs to rethink her hashtags before she hits send.

Why do you have to leave the city?

Yep. I’m a dance instructor. Taught and danced till two days before baby Fox was born. We have video somewhere of me doing turns with my ludicrously large belly

Oh my lawks! She will be within 100 feet of someone on drugs! There may even be alcohol in the vicinity! If she’s not careful she will destroy their precious little ear drums with that..........music.

Really? With the heels? Tryhard, meet Break An Ankle.

I find this breathless excitement about Beyoncé keeping her performance engagements hilarious. Most women work through their whole pregnancies. I worked till I was 8 1/2 months and the size of a bloated manatee.

When can we be done with the 8 million hashtags for every single post? It’s too much. Also, can people please at least capitalize every new word to make them at least readable? I totally read the jlovegas2017 one as ILoveGas2017 at first. Which makes the FeelsGoodTho below it even funnier.

We’re still talking about KK-W’s robbery? Christ, give it a rest!

That picture of jlo is so photoshopped, it looks like Kim kardashian circa 2008.

How does it make you feel that Edfonzo Algardo uses homosexuality as an insult? Are you ok with it because you think he’s on your side politically?

In a normal administration she wouldn’t be the nominee.

Sort of like him deadspin bloggers are paid a few pesos from Univision to churn out leftist drivel?