
Well sure, but if everyone idles their cars for no reason we can heat up the planet, then we won’t have to idle our cars to warm them up. Fuel savings!

Make sure you can see first, and make sure the windshield wipers are free and the windshield washer fluid is working.

He should have went down backwards to begin with so he could spread the ground he was about to drive on.

I feel he pulled out some white spray over his mouth and yelled, “WITNESS ME!!!!!”

What did they expect? SUVs aren’t built for the track.

I love this video. Defies everything that should be possible in a boat.

Driver tried to do a 180 and get some salt on the road ahead?

I was thinking why doesn’t he lower the plow all the way and maybe that will stop him a bit or slow him down. Looked like it was down but not all the way.

NZ, like Australia with fewer deadly animals, more extreme sport and more sheep shagging.

He was probably trying for a 180 so the spreader would be in front of him.

I thought it was a noble sacrifice. “I’m going down! Here’s some traction; save yourselves!”

Holy crap! It’s like boat-o-cross!

This comment wins at everything.

Sorry! I just posted that without seeing your comment.

Even the devil doesn’t want him.

Ford has (had?) a Tremor package for the F-150.

The short and real answer is: that would take away from resources used to make other F-150 types. Which Ford figures make more money.

Anybody have a 20 on Rowan Atkinson?

Prince Albert is the worst.