You should get mad about it on the internet.
You should get mad about it on the internet.
That would be my preference, but I feel like that might be asking a bit much.
I’ve never been a fan of any sport that has judges determine the outcome.
I remember seeing photos of how they brought in the engines at the Natural Museum of History in DC. I thought they built rails for them then? Obviously that’s decades and decades ago before such technology as this exists. That’s incredible what you can move with a little science.
Cubs: How’s everything going tonight?
Indians: Fine.
Cubs: Your entrees are good?
Indians: Yes, fine, thanks.
Cubs: More water?
Indians: All set, I’d just like to-
Cubs: Refresh your wine?
Indians: No, thank you, but the food is getting col-
Cubs: Care for the dessert menu?
Indians: No, please, let me eat my dinn-
Cubs: More…
God damnit. I’m so sick of people not recognizing narcolepsy as a legi........
You have a star. Porschebago gets a star, EVERYONE GETS STARS
You left out the most important info from the underside:
Best. Soccer game. Ever.
For every drunk, stupid Wrigleyville bro bandwagon fan, there’s an old man whose earliest memories are sitting on his dad’s knee listening to the Cubs lose on the radio. A man whose dad passed away without ever seeing the Cubs win a title and is just hoping to see one before he passes away.
THANK YOU. Tired of the holier-than-thou crap from a company who uses their customers as guinea pigs.
This can really only end in a terrible, terrible accident.
IT’s insane how fast that tractor actually is.
That Cruz is what my Grandma would get me for Christmas.
Funny because they are the same company.
Does anyone even realize how dangerous this is?
They should have the car on jackstands while they do this.
That’s like calling a Ferrari “The Ferrari.” OHWAIT-
It was owned by Willie Nelson, kinda would make that redundant.
I found a good write-up here. I goes into greater depth than “Blind Man’s Bluff” or anything I heard in my time as a bubble head.