
MOST registered republicans, like myself, agree with you. He’s a whiny, small-penis-syndrome, baby who thinks he’s god’s gift to women. Here’s the secret trump, it’s because your rich not attractive that you get the ladies. Without money, he instantly becomes that annoying big talking far fetched friend that no one


I got yo, bro

Congratulations, Mr. Jcarr, on COTD today! I would like to gift you with a BMW which this lovely lady will deliver without the help of a Wall-E.

If only IDDQD really worked.

Is Google totally ready to meet Sergio’s parents?! We’ll find out next week on FCA’s The Bachelor.


Yep, this. My mechanic and construction tourettes, scares the hell out of my wife, and the cat, and the neighbors.

This comment deserves a literal galaxy of stars. Every disaster I have ended up with usually started with some form of impatience.

I’ve nearly given up three times with my car, as in call the junk yard. But then sitting back for a few minutes seemed to shrink my hands and somehow the bolt was accessible....

Broke a snap on led drop light that I wouldn’t have thrown against the wall if I had just stepped back for five to ten

This. I just summed it up as “don’t get angry until you’re ready to buy more parts and tools to replace the ones you’ll inevitably break.”

Anger gets results. Or a Chevy Avalance. Both have regrets.

This, yes.

Truth. I’ve broken enough things trying to force them into place. I’ve even ruined a head by installing the rocker arms in haste.

Sometimes you need to hulk up. You got mad enough to pound out that pinch bolt or be able to compress that strut enough that it’ll fit in.

And this is why Uber and Lyft are so amazing today.

This. Totally this.

I loved this quote from the story: