
I just re-watched ‘All or Yesterdays’ last night, it was the first thing I thought of when the episode was over, the second thing was The Guardian of Forever but that one seemed like a bit of a stretch.

The fact that it is in a VW is what sells the joke for me, I don’t think I would find it funny in any other car but in the VW it is hysterical. The funny and the novelty would wear off pretty quickly though. Now if they had put Elmer Fudd or a Daffy Duck in there and the right paint job, that would have been one for

That sounds like something that the ‘Well, Howdy there, internet people’, crowd would say.

If you think Trans people don’t go to therapy before going under the knife you need to do a little googling.

...some have even suggested that China’s situation, where over 80,000 people have contracted the disease and over 3,000 have died, could be a good thing for Americans.

her step n fechit cooning with Cornball West and those damn edges.”

I think Mike was a good guy, but his science was kinda all over the place.

Still not Trumpy enough, make the engine cowlings look like roaring Lions heads. Then someone get the bedazzler, there needs to be lots and lots of ‘genuine Swarovski crystals’

SA SP Keycaps are the best keycaps, if you got the cash I say go for it and please do a long post about them after they arrive.

This will be perfect to use with my Juicero! I hate that my juice isn’t chilled after pressing.

Being this close to Halloween, please don’t speak the name of S.P. She might make an appearance.

However, repeated drills will (t)each that trauma and toughen them up to the experience (sic)

I thought the Amara season was weak but not as weak as season 6. But to the writers credit, following up on the Apocalypse was going to be hard to do.

I realize that this is kinda late, but I have seen this clip before and have never been able to find out what it is from. If anyone knows that name of the movie or TV Show that the ‘BRILLIANT’ guy is from I would really like to watch it, thanks in advance (I hope).

That sounds like a great idea until websites get into trouble for stopping someone from posting their 500th copy of a 20 page diatribe that the Holocaust is a lie along on a Jewish memorial site, cause ‘how dare you stop them from posting their thoughts’. More likely would be a news site that suddenly has 25 different

Thanks for letting us know about the strike, I do my best to never cross a picket line.

Don’t tease me.