
What! You’re having fun? That means Blizzard will be nerfing anytime now.

“I wasn’t trying to get rid of my baby. I went there because my baby was not going to make it and neither was I,” she said. “If only these people knew.”

It’s Tulips young man, Tulips all the way down.

Oh boo hoo!

I even like the ridges, tells me where to cut.

I really have to disagree with this post. about 20 years ago when I was finishing up school and getting that all important first ‘real’ job we had the 99 cents store. Everyone I knew shopped there and yeah for a dollar you might get a little stick of deodorant that would only last a few weeks but the fact that it only

Ahh, Barstow, have ya been to Barstow, the armpit of the high desert?

I went and watched the ring video, and my god some children were playing, outside, in a residential neighborhood and look ‘a ball rolled out into the street’ you really think that is worrisome behavior? This is either the driest sarcasm I have ever read or you are an idiot.

non- allopathic medicine, is anything not recognized by medical science as being effective and or safe, either for the thing that it is being used for or at all. Hydroxychloroquine is a great example of a drug that works for one thing (Malaria) and doesn’t work for another (CoVid-19), while Laetrile is a great example

US, dangerous levels of deadly nightshade are added to homeopathic remedies for infants, to prevent teething problems

I just looked up Re-Evaluation Counseling, it’s based on Scientology and here I was expecting to find a Christian nutcase.

Wait... Kevin Spacey doesn’t need power he’s sitting in the dark somewhere wearing his boxers, nursing a bottle of ‘ole rotgut’ trying to figure out why he didn’t get away with it like Polanski did.

I was having this problem and turned off sleep mode on my computer, it’s not a solution for everyone but I can verify it worked for me.

Am I the only one thinking, ‘yep, that’s a basement.’

Well, at least I know the people at Enron found new jobs. 

The food in for profit jails isn’t unappealing, it is appalling. It is made that way on purpose by SMF who think jail isn’t enough of a punishment. I mean, I don’t think that the food should be anything to write home about because yeah, it’s motherfucking jail.

That only happens after you take the Covid-19 Vaccine AND get 5G. I for one cannot wait for our AI overlords to take over, plug me in the the powerplant, Ignorance is bliss.

This, ‘Very interesting and important documentary’, brought to you by Matrix 4, in Theaters and HBO Max, soon!

Oh G_d, I expected her to start actually chewing the carpet while babbling bad poetry about ‘how the color of blood whispers truth’, or some other nonsense. Her approach was horrible; defiance, bug eyes, hunchback and tilted head do not make you look like a pirate, they make you look like an Emo Quasimodo.