
You were an Altar Server and I was an Elder and you know the argument that is used as well as I do, ‘G_d separated the races at the Tower of Babel, who are we to challenge the will of G_d.’ (That last bit needs to be said in your very best Charleton Heston imitation)

An entire Bagel is absolutely not too much food and I approve of the slices, that way I can get more Schmear!

He’s certainly got a trotter in each of his shoes

One player ended up paying $500 to go through 500 boxes in the hopes of getting the illusive items. Now that he has them, he doesn’t feel like it was worth it.

He didn’t say ‘fuck all ya’ll’ as he pulled the trigger but I don’t think that I would hold him up as an example of what to to in a crisis.



From now on any time someone opens the hood of their car to show off, I’m just gonna say, ‘Yeah, but is it made outta wood? Cause I knew a guy once...”

What do you eat with pizza?

Down goes Huckabitch.

Let’s hear some more about those violent Video Games.

EVERYONE who works deserves a living wage

No kidding, I just bought 3 packs of Cigarettes it was 21.75. Vaping is looking better and better all the time. I tried one of the disposable vape pens once, it kept the cravings at bay but wasn’t really satisfying. That was a few years ago, are the larger systems any better?

The voice of Leia in the upcoming Star Wars Resistance show