
Holy Shit, Look at the size of the cop.

what BS is this...

I dare you to go down to the local VFW and make the argument that their fellow servicemen and women that died for this country; should have their final resting place disturbed for your curiosity, amusement or profit

one with the president of Wells Fargo on speed dial so he could easily access the money he needed to pay off said hos

My first thought as well. Then I thought about it more and I wonder if maybe he use the finishing of her book as a way of dealing with his grief at her loss, I really don’t see how it diminishes her or her work at all.

Now playing

To quote Sonny and Cher, ‘and the beat goes on’

I’ll keep that in mind the next time I see a picture of the police holding people at gunpoint and arresting people for standing on the sidewalk so the Klan can march safely down the middle of the street.

Except in this case Trump didn’t accept anything nor according to his lawyer did he have knowledge of the payment, unless Cohen or someone else has proof of Trump having knowledge before the fact. Then Trump while still the single biggest threat to democracy since the great depression hasn’t really done anything. you


It’s not Pres. Trump that will get into trouble with campaign finance laws, it’s Michael Cohan. Mr Cohan says that he made the payment with his own funds (Home Equity Line of Credit) and made the payment to Stormy Daniels without Pres. Trumps knowledge. More importantly Mr. Cohan didn’t report the payment of $130,000

I have absolutely no idea, but I have seen people here open carrying in Walmart; rifles, shotguns and pistols. ‘exercising their second amendment rights’. Here in rural Oregon, at least where I live everytime the NRA gets a wild twitch the Gadsden and or the Confederate flags start flying and some idiot will just not

I agree, she is rapidly becoming a must watch regardless of what she is in, for me at least.

That’s really not true, I’m a liberal and I own a Benelli M2 Tactical and an Benelli R1 .308. I just don’t see the need to turn them into a fetish objects or take one of them with me when I go grocery shopping. I really, Really, REALLY, hope I never have to use either of them except for target practice and cleanings

I may want to live in a Star Trek Utopia and you might want to live in a Star Trek Utopia but I guarantee you not everyone does. One example would be every business person that sells their product(s) for what the market will bear instead of a reasonable profit.

Here ya go!

More of those crazy EU regulations. Vaccinating chickens, to rid the population of a disease. Probably costs you guys a penny an egg.

Now playing

I know that you will think this is some sort of Fake News from Fox News, but I’ll try anyway.