
So I guess you take the Bus then?

Most of the people that have jobs and are homeless are living in their cars, but the point is the same. It is a big risk for someone that is just hanging on to pick up and move with nothing waiting. Bird in the hand and all that.

I would be interested in reading reviews. Unless the show is truly awful I am planning on watching the full first season. I am expecting to have to set aside almost everything I have read about the Crusades and just watch the show for entertainment but since it isn’t being marketed as anything else I know what to

You know of a place that has jobs waiting for the people that would arrive with next to no cash and would need to have an income almost immediately. If you do I can guarantee that there are plenty of people that would take you up on your offer.

“Repository, suppository, all that matters is that the message was delivered.”

I find Ted Cruz offensive but, remember when it was Ted Cruz vs. Trump? Ask yourself which would you have rather had as President. 

Happy Thanksgiving, Red.

But I like my NAZI’s persecuted, persecuted and punched.

“Donald Trump’s Thousand Island-colored skin”

There you go again using facts, that is not gonna get you many stars.