
“Don’t whip your penis out at work!”

The only thing that would make this gif any funnier would be if she was responding to the question, “Are you familiar with the works of A. Salatious Cunt?”

AV isn’t the first blog to jump on ICP ‘cause it’s easy.

I have to wonder, how many of the people that Smashed their Coffee Makers over the weekend, were late for work today?

the people most ignorant of world religion and Christianity are fundamentalist/ evangelical Christians.

And I thought they were just riffing on my favorite Time/Space Rabbit.

But really good Kinja.

MMMMM The sweet, sweet taste of Free Trade where competition keeps prices low and innovation High!

I’m not defending sexual harassment - if you have to still say that - but...

All I know about hacking I learned from Hackers.

“ it gets spirit of Trek as well as anything in franchise has” 

And a good Brain, don’t forget his really great Brain.

No, that would be a toit.