
Well, ya know, there are good people on both sides.

Maybe you could tell us where you get your ‘totes unbiased and not 95% Liberal News’?

I was wondering if anyone else noticed the ‘Imagine’

Joe was a surprisingly good movie.

It does not taste like embarrassment, it would have to be Orange Shadows for that to be true, it is more of a Tutti Frutti, or so I have been told.

“Officials readily acknowledged that Lopera violated department policies by using his stun gun multiple times, repeatedly punching Brown and then restraining him for more than a minute.”

Some people, take things to an extreme.

Oh honey, the secret is to not stop.

Bears won’t eat things that are spoiled or rotten or both.

I don’t think that he is trying, I think that he actually is sick. If he hadn’t have been as high up in the government and as close to the Clintons, because of being married to Huma Abedin, he would have been in Jail/supervised treatment long ago.


They turned film into silver, if only they would have waited, they would have had gold. Someone’s kicking themselves.

All the stars, All Of Them.

Really? Why would someone do that.

Crush Porn, I’m sure of it.