
Maybe he is selling his youth to Bannon or he really is just sleepy eyed evil.

“when boarding a crowded bus with standing passengers in the front, women should board the back door after paying the driver in the front”

keeps his coon cool points up with them.

The funny thing is that you think he wrote the original, what is it now $1 a page for “fully documented paper”.

Fox News’ “science”

Another Doomsday Prophecy, meh.

Not much.

...and the only info that you left out is how much you make a year, what state are you in and how many people are in your family? Also, there is no one saying that you can’t go on the open market and buy insurance right now! The law is that you have to have insurance or pay a 3% tax penalty (a penalty that has never

What? You mean that the states that didn’t take the Medicaid expansion don’t get as much money as the states that did! Why, it’s communism at work! Thanks, Obama!

Yeah! I told this guy the same thing.

I have seen it twice now, I really like it. I especially like that it doesn’t go for cheap laughs at the expense of Star Trek or the actors that were on the show. It’s a comedy set in the Star Trek universe, if you like that sort of thing, and I do, then Orville is great.

You mean the one for people that talk during the movie? Damn, you’re harsh.


“When people see fun, they don’t see work”, this is the truest thing I have read all year.

I think what pbj is suggesting is that if you make the pay more attractive and raise the minimum standards to apply that you will get a better quality of applicant.

OMG! Pennsatucky got out finally!

Golden Earring, Twilight Zone

And all it would take is a small change in e-verify, ‘best effort to verify social security status’ to ‘shall verify social security status’