
Don’t forget the ones that own businesses and employ people, all of those jobs will be lost.

The wall is for the most part a dumb idea. If you really want something that can’t be beat with a ladder you would need more Border patrol agents and something like Israel does.

OK I’ll give you my punctuation and grammar error and take the hit. To your other point however, one of the things the DACA does in exchange for getting the work permit, in addition to all of the requirements for being in the program, is going to the back of the line for becoming a citizen. If I remember correctly

I like the way you really didn’t answer the question. Several million people have just been told to leave, 800,000 DACA recipients and their immediate families. Not all of the families are from Mexico and not all of them have the resources to get back to where they were born when they were on average, 3 years old.

Let’s compromise on Cowardly dipshit bot. I did a search of the picture on the ‘news’ website. It’s on half a dozen different sites, all of them with different signs photoshopped on the train.

Just be honest, what you’re really dreamin’ of is a White Christmas.

Adults that know no other life than being here and were raised as Americans. Thorough background checks, College educated or military service, no criminal past or use of government services.

Ending DACA isn’t an opinion, it’s the first step towards expelling several million people from this country. People that were promised by the government that if they registered and did what they were told they would not be.

Where exactly do you think 800,000 people and their immediate families are going to go? or do you think they should just be given a bottle of water and marched into the Desert. If you really do support deporting that many people which if Trump is to be believed would be somewhere close to the population of Wisconsin,

Suddenly I know why the Xenomorph is so angry, it has a voice in its head going “Warmer, no Colder, Cold-er, your freezing!, now you’re warming up, hotter, hotest, your boiling!”. You really expect mercy from a creature with that going on in its head?

All the stars.

Wicked sick theological burn!

I regret I only have one star to give.


How bout a President lying repeatedly that he has had zero relations with Russia. While I realize that government lies and corruption may be standard operating procedure in Russia they aren’t here, or at least they aren’t supposed to be.

Congress forced his hand with a veto proof sanction bill. He said he didn’kt want to sign it and Tillerson spoke about how much it would hurt relations going forward.

Another country that invaded and annexed part of the Ukraine and a President that “Has zero business dealing with Russia”

#Becky Knuckles just Punched That Nazi!