
Cthulhu Has Facebook Bannon Grins?



I have been taking pain medication for almost 20 years now. The surgery that they would have to do to stabilize my back has a 20% chance of success and 50% chance to make the condition worse (Degenerative bone disease combined with spinal stenosis L1 - L5, two previous surgeries). Three Doctors agree, “as long as the

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Aunt Mary Drexel would like the have a word with Ms. Mnuchin (AKA Guillotine Spice).

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Of course it was in the 1200's, don’t you remember his first appearance in the movies?

He was there in spirit?

Star Trek V: The Wrath of Contractual Obligations.

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I save this one for special occasions, and yes, I think he’s earned it.


Is there really a pic like that, I would really like to have one, do you have a copy or a link?

President Donald Trump sauntered out into the Rose Garden, bottomless in his bath robe to yell at the largest red oak tree with his desire to “Nuke the ocean.”

Hey shithead traitor wannabe, how many of them were traitors to the country.

Yeah you see the civil war wasn’t fought for black rights or because the north considered it wrong. It was fought because the north wanted to take the unfair state powers that the south had because they were using slaves as way to gain a majority vote. We didn’t fight against hitler because we thought he was morally