
These guys encourage your patience.

‘Right now there’s an alt right guy getting triggered at a Denny’s menu’

Maybe not, but you sound like one of those ‘fine, good marching people’ Trump was mentioning.

If Mike Pence had any sense, he would resign saying that he could not support someone with sympathies for the American Nazi Party, then challenge ‘The Game Show Host in Chief’ for President in 2020. If the Democrats still haven’t gotten their shit together by then he would probably win.

‘The Boys in Gray’ were always on the wrong side of history.

Did he actually compare commanders of the confederacy to Thomas Jefferson and George Washington?

That’s, ‘Whiny Little Bitch’.

“America and Fox news are not racist, now watch me put two black women on the screen and call them traitors to the country!”

Yeah, a white woman but don’t let that fuckup your narative.

It is one of the two pictures I could pick from a lineup and know they had won a pulitzer prize, the other one is ‘The Napalm Girl’. ‘The Soiling of Old Glory’ always stuck with me because it was taken during the Bicentennial.

You do know the picture you’re using is 41 years old right?

Shhh. Don’t bring that up, everybody here is having way too much fun blaming everyone else for everything else

But if you do throw your keys in your purse, add a Tile Bluetooth fob so you can track them from your phone.

Me too, my whole day seemed like a ClusterTruck, do I get a Medal or just a Paycheck?

Most of the people here say they LOVE diversity and varying points of view, well there’s the shirt for you, if you really mean it.

The only thing the West Virginia elections proved was that they most Americans didn’t like Hillary Clinton.

Wow, so one more Blonde White Woman who has been trying to make herself the next ‘Kelly Girl’ for a while now was the straw that broke the Camel’s back for you?

Check back in 12 months and he will be going back to Democrat again. He is just looking for the best Buffett.