
Hey... It’s bloody October ok!
Bloody Americans with their year round sunny skies, grumble grumble*

Always wondered why he wanted wax on a matte painted car... Maybe I’ll understand on the 21st of October.

It has to be said that was probably my fourth thought whilst looking at this... “woah, hold on, how has he sorted the tracking/fixed the steering?”

Looks up “Focus Road Bike”.... Yeah he’s done something wrong.

I seem to have a quite irrational hatred towards 2CVs... I mean, by my own daft standards I should love it. Cleverly designed/engineered with charm and ingenuity, stupendously simple and “fun”... But I LOATHE them all!
It’s even more baffling considering how much I love other oddball Citroens, I really can’t hate

“Faceless” Peugeots??!? Goddamnit!! The 406 V6 in the chase scene with the M5 might be ignored but it’s one of my favourite vehicles in the film...

Great to have one of the best British racing drivers on the site, welcome, hopefully no-one asks anything daft. (Always nice to have a fellow Brit on board every now and again)

I was wondering, obviously coming from a prototype based background (F1 and Le Mans), were there any other forms of motorsport you’d love to

A lot of people complaining about a $40k hatch... Jeez there’s no pleasing some people, I could get 1 fully loaded V6 mustang*

It has to be said, looking at a fully optioned one in UK spec it’s coming out at £32k, which actually seems pretty bloody reasonable!

On a side note, the US configurator doesn’t seem to have the

Yup, they’re definitely going to make that. Crossover with coupe styling based on the Juke (or a body variation of a standard Juke, AKA Juke-coupe). Tone down all the concepty stuff and it’s fully viable and would probably sell insanely well, not something I’d ever thought I’d say about a crossover coupe... I say that

This will sell insanely well in the UK (and probably Europe). The previous Tiguan had a similar image problem here as it does stateside, that is it’s gawky and not quite as “capable” looking as it needed to be.
This segment has been crying out for a decent product from VW for an age now and finally they’ve nailed the

A clean, practical and utterly useable splitty for not that much (relatively, try buying one in the UK...), definitely NP.
Yes it does seem “relatively” high but this is splitsville and the entry price is never low!

It’s about bloody time you yanks got the best Range Rover... Honestly, we might be a bit chest thumpy and patriotic when we say we love them in the UK (especially the press pack) but we know they’re just absolutely teh bestest*.

Oh and in before “But they’re unreliable”...

*We all know they’re not the most reliable

SO MUCH WANT! Always preferred the 954 ‘blade but then this just adds so much style... (by removing parts? Genius).

It’s certainly something I wish I could do with my cosmetically challenged ZX6. Not a massive fan of ‘fighters so this added style/design aspect, plus making the best of a bad situation, is really up my street (not that kinda street).

Right, not going to vote for anything in particular here (someone else said FiST so I’m out) but I have to muse on someone else’s point that was made a while back.

All this turbocharging/augmented drivelines that are for emmissions, perfomance and economy don’t have to make cars quieter. As someone rightly pointed out,

Definitely gets my vote, my Mountuned FiST is an aural treat...

Looks like a mashup of a nice genuine Lambo, a crappy Fierroghini and the 60’s Batmobile.

It could be saved, but at that price it is more of a case of Holy Douchelord Batman!

It’s this that worries me too and why I’m glad I can’t commute to work on the train (in the UK, I live urban and work rural).
I used to see it every day when having to use the train to commute to London to work (not any more fortunately). Everyone who could was using a tablet or laptop or other mobile device to do

I think they did, which is a shame as I do think it’s the best looking (perhaps bar the very earliest gen 1). To be honest I think I’d just be happy with a set of obnoxiously loud pipes so it sounds decent even if it doesn’t necessarily go...
Also, excellent choice of avatar! Gotta love some Multipla.