
It’s interesting that our views are exactly opposite - and I don’t mean to be confrontational here. Certainly, Europe has a lot of baggage, but it is an adult. The U.S.A. is still a teenager among nations. Arrogant, subjectively immortal, careless and reckless. I want to think that we Europeans have learnt a bit from

You might as well be speaking Klingon.

Is this article some sort of joke”

Since it’s true that you can’t solve a social problem with a technological solution we’ll need to make it a social solution:
If you see someone in a “self driving” car without a butt in the driver’s seat, hands on the wheel and eyes on the  road, you can ram it off the road into the ditch and claim all their worldly

And a huge money grab.

Tax exemption should be taken away from all churches.  They are in the business of selling their religion, and it is a business.  

A poison.. that comes with a great tax break, special breaks at work and school, and big helpings of good ol’ cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy.

Religion is seriously a poison on humanity.

This person belongs in an institution, and CPS needs to come for her kid.

Congrats, you took it from fun to creepy. 

I believe the officer was quoted as saying “I swear, I thought he was black!”

True. A typical example is that the Brits still use parts of the imperial system, which should have been retired over a century ago.

As a member of a similar outfit; we are on guard anyways. Most of our flights are routine (ie getting paid for anyways). Why not rescue a lone sailor? Should we charge the person who jumps off a ferry and we rescue??? Its the same, we are there to serve and help. No matter the situation (save for a Cat 3+ storm). This

One less training mission that team needs to do. Fuel costs the same, payroll costs the same, equipment costs the same, ship upkeep costs the same...

Steadying his massive elephant rifle against a well positioned rock, the ‘Housing and Zoning Inspector’ for Troy Michigan, calmly emptied his entire stockpile of high-powered ammunition into the engine block of the “Excursion” Jeep.

You know what would make the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix more entertaining for me?

This looks like every other RV out there that clogs our roads. About average sized. It’s below 3.5 tonnes, so you don’t need a special trucker driving license to drive one.

Having been a child in an emotionally abusive family I’m guessing this is not something you’ve experienced. Abuse is insidious and shifts your entire perception of self.

That’s my policy

“We’ll punch you out in Denver, and by the time you wake up you’ll already be in Boston!”