
A good question to ask Mike Pence right now is if he would pardon Donald Trump from crimes committed as President! Regardless of whether Trump did anything wrong, the answer would be really amusing!

He must have a really small penis is all that I can think? When will this TV reality show end?

Here’s a pretty good site

I just don’t understand how anyone can come between a doctor and their patient? Of course I believe a lot of the topics we are discussing now might be secondary if they get their tax cuts through! Imagine, increasing the US deficit, because you increase spending on the infrastructure and the military and cut taxes “to

Why is this big fat idiot in charge of the free world? I’m so embarrassed to be an American right now! Hitler was a light weight compared to this paper hanging S.O.B. !

Havarti cheese with sliced tomato on a sourdough bread, Grilled! It’s pretty good!

If you have a 401k, now what? Most people don’t know what to put their money in, most people don’t know the penalties if they withdraw early and some people don’t know not to take it out in one lump sum! Most people would be better off if a bartender ran their account!

Ted Cruz IS what’s wrong in America!

I’ll bet Putin is laughing his butt offseeing what he has done to our nation!

She is 100% correct! Get the for-profit insurance business out of our lives!

That woman “Tami” should be sued by someone! In this day and age? I’m ashamed Trump is the president! I’m more ashamed that Americans voted for him!

She was worried about the economy? What about now? Tariff wars, inflation, food prices soaring, economically efficient robots taking over jobs and degulationg Wall Street, AGAIN! It’s all coming to a country near you. Don’t people ever learn the lessons from failures in the past? Why were Glass-Steagull,

Is there a way to “short” these loans?

Your company gives you a 401k, great! Now what? I suggest a few things, read everything you can about and by John Bogle! Next, get the book, “All the Investing Advice You Ever Need Fit’s On an Index Card”, put 15% of your pay into your 401k, It will amount to tax savings on your check and probably be less than 40

I really don’t want to see this guy, I don’t want youtube tracking racist stuff that I don’t want to watch! I’m so tired of this racist BS!

When I was a kid, people used to pay money to see people with tattoos! The bearded lady was there also, as was the man with alligator skin! Just sayin!

I bet she has a mousetrap under her skirt!

Only one answer, Sharknado!

The story didn’t say that he had for dessert, it was a Trump Bar, very rich, nuts and no taste!

One name, John Bogle. Just read one of his books of watch a video on youtube. If you don’t know anything about investing then a fund like Vanguard’s (I don’t work for them) S&P 500 index fund is the only thing you need for your money. Then like Bogle says “Keep it forever!”