I’m one of those Cs fans who yesterday afternoon, chatting by the water cooler, threw out the “Ya know, Jae Crowder is pretty solid physically, he could give LeBron some difficulty” theory.
I’m one of those Cs fans who yesterday afternoon, chatting by the water cooler, threw out the “Ya know, Jae Crowder is pretty solid physically, he could give LeBron some difficulty” theory.
I honestly have no idea how this radio show last so long. Between their awful teases for segments that never went anywhere, and the bland milquetoast personality of Greenie ugh.
*Mike drop*
It’s probably LaVar Ball you idiot
Okay, so are you ready for the punchline?
It’s all of the best parts of Far Cry and Tomb Raider, with better combat and a much better story.
Seriously, now they add the “hide headgear” option after I completed a full playthrough with gimpy low-level armor because it didn’t come with the gaudy headwear. Sigh, now I have to play again.
It’s not like OKC played a Sonics tribute when Seattle visited either.
Hey, I know people keep calling this guy Elite, but he gets into all sorts of trouble when he gets out of the pocket.
“What’s the problem? I was told to stand here, and wear this hat and jack..... oh shit.”
That’s hyperbolic nonsense. The Phantom Menace is one of the worst major-release films ever made. It’s fine to dislike The Force Awakens, but c’mon.
Yo, seriously, [MAJOR SPOILER ALERT] Vader’s rampage right at the end was probably the most fuckin’ amped I’ve been in a movie theater in years. I felt like my head was going to pop.
He’s a Dad. He got Dad Jokes.
It was so good, right? Better than Episode 7? Better than Jedi?
Pop > Phil
And here’s the NFL, publicizing the unsportsmanlike conduct!
I’m a Colts season ticket holder and this year there’s a couple who sits behind me at every game, and they obsess over which players aren’t standing for the anthem. Usually during the anthem. Yes, they talk during the whole anthem about how disrespectful it is to sit during the anthem.
Little trick I picked up over the years. If you’re fighting from the low ground, you’re going to want to duck real low, so your opponent has to adjust their stance and lean over more to make contact. You’re taking them out of their center of balance and at this point, you grab them by the waist of their pants and…
At least they all probably stand for the national anthem though.
I don’t know man. You hear a story like this and you just have to wonder how these burglars could be so gripped by that much economic anxiety.