
Perfect top 2. Nailed it.

UGH. I’m gonna pretend this story ended with an autograph and a personal shopping trip for the boy with the $1000 comp, not with the man with a net worth in the nine figures kicking out a fan in a wheelchair so he can get $1000 worth of free clothing.

Nah, VIII was awesome. It might be my favorite.

Recently bought VII on PSN when it was on sale and decided to do my first ever Yuffie playthrough. I can’t believe I never used her for extended time before, but she’s great.

Best soundtrack since IX, maybe VI.

Shipping 5M copies =/= Selling 5M copies

I understood that you meant six years after ELLIE’S infection, not the original outbreak.

I finally deleted the app and swore it off after I hatched a 10km egg for an Eevee, just days before they patched it to make Eevee a 5km egg.

I’m a massive dork so I like JRPGs even at age 30 /shrug

Needs to be dubbed with Max Max : Fury Road soundtrack


“Ugh, I wouldn’t drive a 2013 Lexus even if it was given to me.”

Now playing

I really enjoyed this recent one for Uncharted 4. Great use of the Pixies and it really does a good job of summing up what the plot will be.