
Vivi and Zidane share a pee together so thats basically number one.

Reno has always seemed disturbingly chill for a Bro who pushed the button to murder *every man woman and child in Sector 7* and everyone seemed to just ignore that he did it.

No, but that’s how many they sold to retailers.

It shipped that many copies. Not sold.

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

When the thought, “waiting for the right time to break it to the internet” crosses your mind, it’s a powerful sign that you have made poor life choices.

Hmm. I dunno. As great as it would be to not have to depend on publishers for anything, getting early review copies (with an embargo) is the only way to ensure we can have a review that’s both great and timely. Without early copies, outlets usually have to pick one or the other. (We try to pick the former, which is

How are people immediately jumping to the conclusion that he’s being forced out? I know there’s some untold drama with Amy Hennig, but Straley and Druckmann have been extremely close by all accounts. They seem to have the same views when it comes to games, and obviously work well together. When it came to possible

Ok, um...tiny complaint here, but could we call it The Last of Us Part II please?

He’s not quite a villain. Things aren’t black and white in the last of us, he’s a complicated character who did awful things but he’s not just a straight up “villain”, most of what he did could be chalked up to losing everyone he loved and not being able to trust anyone after being betrayed and cheated so many times

(tl;dr at the end) MGS3 was pretty amazing too. You’re entitled to your opinion but (and I know the Citizen Kane reference is played out) this is sort of tantamount to saying ‘I saw Citizen Kane, movie wasn’t even that good!’ The innovation, vision and sort of comprehensive experience of the games he’s made have had

Now playing

Kojima kind of revolutionized gaming by showing that they can be so much more. He may not be THE icon of gaming (honestly who is other than maybe Mario or something symbolic like that) but the impact he had on the industry is undeniable. He showed games could be cinematic masterpieces. The plots were often completely

So basically you are just here to bitch and add no reasonable discourse to the table. Good to know, now kindly don’t bother to show up in future posts about the games of the month on Plus.

Lets be honest though, if you’re gaming on a PC the PS plus line up isn’t really going to be that good for you, you’re playing on the best platform to play video games on.

Damn, you weren’t kidding

Am I the only person in America who isn’t enamored with open floor plans? I am all about a house having good flow, but it seems weird to me to be able to see the entirety of your main floor no matter what. Does no one ever want to watch TV or read a book without hearing the dishwasher running or kids getting food?

Not taking about value on switching cds actually...it simply had something magical about it on the ps1 era, a disc always ended with a great cliffhanger, in a way it was like making FF episodical without wanting it to be. For example at the end of Disc 1 of FF8 Squall gets hit hard by Edea and boom...end of disc

Where’s the mod that just leaves the new roll on the counter, maybe puts a water-withered one in the sink or tub. I have kids and cats. No roll is safe.

Yeah yeah, you know how to use the three seashells, rub it in.

7/10 is first? On what planet? Obviously you guys got paid off by them.