
Hey Patricia, I’m not always a fan of your stuff (I’m not ALWAYS a fan of anyone’s stuff!) but I recognize your dedication and I think it’s pretty nice that you’re coming back to one of your old articles to add this small disclosure even though I feel it’s not necessarily needed. I hope the people making your life

Why bother with disclosure for such a non-story as this? If you’re worried about what gamergaters think, remember that what they think is fucking irrelevant, and everything they say and do is irrelevant. Let them carry on with their futile crusade to get politics opinions they don’t like out of games.

I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this, you really shouldn’t have to deal with this kind of harassment.

You've always been one of my favorites! I'll continue saying this: No one deserves harassment. Even if you did do terrible things, which you assuredly did not, but in a situation that you did (which you did not, in my opinion), you don't deserve to then be tormented and harassed. Stay awesome, Patricia =]

Kind of crazy, I know. But did you know that you can not read the article when it starts talking about things you don’t want to know. Sounds absurd. But the title of the article doesn’t allude to anything other than spoilers.

Keep up your good work and keep striving to make it better, Patricia. I'm glad I have the many perspectives you cover to read about.

A Quick Note For My Readers: Back in 2013, I wrote a ‘blip’ about a game called Read Only Memories. I missed this small post during my initial sweep last summer of posts I wrote that needed disclosure, but it’s been brought to my attention today, so I’m updating it with that information.

I feel so bad for this guy. He's completely right to hop off Twitter. He's another victim of this "grow a thicker skin" horseshit that I've seen perpetuate the internet since before tweens discovered 4chan.

This is just some ridiculous, offensive stuff. Seriously, what artist thinks this is a good idea, knowing the controversy and arguments it will drum up. I mean, using a Pipe Wrench for auto repairs? What's the world coming to?

Better than the 3-7 day wait time for valve to respond.

I get that you mean that I was the wrong color. This was just one factor in this one situation. When I said that this wasn't the first time I should have clarified. I have been stopped by undercover officers on no less than 6 different occasions in just as many completely different settings in my city. I am not the

You live in Texas then?

First problem with your explanation is that I happened to be wearing a hat on this fateful day. Second is that this "wrong neighborhood" is one of two ways to get to my home. This one being much faster and not a bad neighborhood, just a minority one.

Ha! I'm actually really enjoying DBZ Xenoverse. The story mode is a nice twist on a tale that's been told more times than Beowulf. Character creation is fun. The worst part of it is how random the rewards are.

That scene with the officer and the man in the hard-hat stuck out to me in particular. I just don't get why the police officer had to potentially escalate the situation like that. It just seemed really petty.

I, just two days ago, was pulled over by an undercover car. I was driving through a predominantly minority neighborhood on the way to my house from a gas station. The officer that approach my car asked me for my license and registration which I provided, then when he returned asked me to step out of the car. I have no

"Heyyyy Kojima, how's it hangin'.

When my Daughter was 4, she used to say she wanted to watch Batman, but much to the frustration of her older brother, was talking about the Bibleman DVD my wife picked up in a bargin bin, (the DVD is pretty hilarious by the way, its only about 15 minutes long and the cheese factor is through the roof)

Whew, finally. Hideo Kojima isn't going to make MGS anymore. He's going to leave Konami. We can all finally stop with all of our twittering and pleading and hashtagging and Facebooking and snail mailing and regular e-mailing and pigeon carrierin—*remembers Silent Hills existence*

Ohh shit! He can't leave Konami yet!