
Oh god. Only if. That would be amazing!

The fact that his hair and beard grow when he pulls out his knife is amazing. Kind of like he’s going super Gaben.

What bothers me the most is how much enjoyment the crowd and especially the judges or whatever they are, are getting out of this. I wouldn’t put this on the level of horrifying, but god damn, the ignorance that’s taking place here is quite astonishing.

I get that you mean that I was the wrong color. This was just one factor in this one situation. When I said that this wasn't the first time I should have clarified. I have been stopped by undercover officers on no less than 6 different occasions in just as many completely different settings in my city. I am not the

First problem with your explanation is that I happened to be wearing a hat on this fateful day. Second is that this "wrong neighborhood" is one of two ways to get to my home. This one being much faster and not a bad neighborhood, just a minority one.

I, just two days ago, was pulled over by an undercover car. I was driving through a predominantly minority neighborhood on the way to my house from a gas station. The officer that approach my car asked me for my license and registration which I provided, then when he returned asked me to step out of the car. I have no

What, that doesn't happen to you like all the time?

That star counts for a million stars. Spend it wisely.

I never once said that I enjoyed the article. I'm totally with you on that. But brief it certainly is. The only way it could be more brief is if it didn't exist. Which truthfully it may as well have not have. Yes I have seen much better articles on Kotaku, and much better articles from Patrick in particular. You can

Because you're a moron.

Definitely seems that way. Way little way too late.

Well, let's go directly from the title of this article. A brief history of slender man, the internets boogeyman. Nowhere in the article was it said that he had some amazing new information to dole out. This was just a stupid throw away article that indeed literally rehashes old articles. All be it one that the author

True the article brought absolutely nothing new to the conversation. I was simply clarifying that the two paragraphs that you said were written by someone else was in fact written by Patrick. Also it's slender man, it hasn't even been in style to laugh at him for the past 3 years. What new did you expect? Genuinely

You do know that he was the author of the Giant Bomb article that's shown here. So yes the YouTube videos were from other people but come on. Hes telling you about a new game referencing an article he had already written on the subject. I didn't take away much from this post either but I didn't come to the comment

I don't know what these guys are saying that they have no words. The words come instantly and so clear it's like looking from the peak of Everest toward the heavens at night. God is an Indian cop, and he is fucking awesome.

I was never really interested in brutal doom. But this has certainly piqued my interest. I guess the fact that they didn't just add a ton of gore helps. The dismemberment feature almost makes me a bit giddy.

I absolutely agree. He took the tools that they gave him and made the perfect statement.

Everybody knows that veiny dragons are the best dragons!

I think you ment LGBT-forward! Oh I kill myself.

That's because you're doing it wrong!