
Probably Team Fortress 2. I would use the conscientious objector, which lets you wield a sign with a custom image, and put something like "FYI I'M A GAY"

If I could star you over and over I would. By this douchebags handicapped brain, who the fuck would care what the fuck he cares about. Get it straight dumbfuck OP no one give a fuck what your backwards ass thinks about anything. This guy in the article is a brave person. Even if you're not LGBT which I am not, having

I, myself, am a gay delinquent. I've never said it.

Right after I asked him that I thought the exact same thing. But I also don't know how mature, well not mature but non-hateful people would be. I would say 90% of Kotaku commenters are amazing, smart, tolerant people. But that other 10% scares the ever living fuck out of me.

Because those people have "pride" and they want share with all other people what they do in bed and with who. Its new, beauty, tolerant world now and YOU need to deal with it, not them. PRIDE. :)

Clearly he cares. And he cares what his friends think. Who wouldn't?

This should be a contest.

If this guy's friends were to judge him, they were never his friends to begin with.

Here's a question for you though Nathan. absolutely not saying that you are, but if you were to come out, what game would you use to do it?

This is so awesome. I'm glad that this fellow human being found a safe and positive way to tell people about the lifestyle that he is leading. And the fact that he found such support is heartwarming to say the least. I wish him all the best in his life and future gaming endeavors!

I think Rising will be the continuation of the MGS Universe without Snake. theres no need to bring him back when we have a hero just as badass in his own right.

Bahahaha. A part of me is still hoping this is just an elaborate PR stunt, but this is really starting to seem real. I'm less concerned for the fate of MGS and more concerned for Silent Hills. That seems like a much more fragile project that would have really benefited from Kojima-san's deft direction. MGS can run on


Of course they don't have to change their name, that would be presumptuous; they're free to continue to accept punches in the kidneys.

When you call yourself an eThug and act like a dick, I think it should be acceptable for people to find you in real life and punch you in the kidney of their choosing. Everyone gets 1 free kidney shot until you learn your lesson and change your name and behavior.

"Which sounds pretty gross, and is, but then, it also plays to the "character" of the team, who are going out of their way to be as terrible and casual about the whole pro gaming thing as they can possibly be."

That's not really a problem with publishers, but with copyright holders. A kickstarter project is still something someone holds a copyright for. Everybody can be and asshole, when they hold a copyright.

My response to this whole debacle is the startling realization that Atari is still a thing in 2015.