
The console wars are dumb. I'm sorry if I helped instigate them at all.

Not anywhere in the title does it specify that the XB1 is the ONLY console with these issues, or even say "Compared to the Wii U/PS4." It just so happens that the system has indeed had problems with stability in many of its exclusive titles, several of which were rather large-profile releases for the system. This

While I absolutely agree that everyone in that video was an asshole, that's not the issue. The issue is that a cop, a real live police officer, said that his job was to beat up black people. You can't have an armed person in a position of power who thinks that. The fact that the other people were also assholes

sure, but sometimes you just want to watch a movie. down in front!

Except that there's a huge qualifier that one of these men don't meet. The one poking and prodding was not a cop. Just some loser asshole that gets off making other people miserable. I for one am glad that this power flaunting so-called "officer of the law" lost his right to that job. It's absolutely deplorable out of

Cops who are violent racists should not be cops. No one should ever condone behavior like this. Especially from a cop. People need to act like adults instead of asshole children.

I think this went a little further than just trash talk. He openly flaunted his position of power as that. That type of thinking has no place in a public service that is supposed to protect.

Isn't police academy/boot camp/whatever it is supposed to weed out power hungry degenerates like this guy?

If you can't handle the intense stress of a video game, please don't have a job where you carry a real gun you might really fire.

Someone needs to walk up to this dude in a chicken outfit and challenge him to a fight.

You must be a very sandy person then, if everything you don't care for you just go around shitting on.

But do you absolutely LOVE all of the other 9 games on this list? If not, why single out Gone Home? You can't just say "That game wasn't for me" and act like that's a normal response unless anytime anyone anywhere likes anything you don't like you go "This is bullshit. Like the things I like."

When people don't care

as a twenty-four year old man diagnosed with aspergers syndrome, I can say with all confidence that this moved me to tears.

Yes! I usually picture someone speaking in a breaking/crying voice. Never pictured them as Eeyore. That will be the new image.

The mournful types of comments are my favorites. I always read them with an Eeyore voice and picture them standing in the rain holding a sad bouquet of roses.

Oh god this is so gold.

That's a crime it didn't make it in here. I played this with my kids this weekend and they loved it. Then my six year old son went upstairs, started cutting construction paper, asked his mom for something, and came in looking like this.

And that was just fine with me. Learning about this family and their motivations piece by piece was a surprisingly enjoyable experience for me. I hadn't played anything like it before and genuinely felt attached to them by the time I got to the end. The fact this took place without physically meeting anyone else in

Jesus christ thats a giant nutshell!

To be fair, a lot of these studios wouldn't have lasted as long as they did without EA propping them up. Maxis' death while sad, was long overdue. EA is also a incredibly large organization, one that for a time bought everything they could get their hands on so some waste and cost cutting is inevitable.