Jacob H

Victimless pranks like this are the best kind of prank. Unlike that dude rubbing fruit on his ass in a grocery store for a YouTube prank.

Well, the Catholic Church’s stance is that consecrated hosts literally become the Body of Christ, and human flesh, like all meat, is naturally gluten free, so... there you go?

“I gotta believe that’s intentional!”

It doesn’t take much to trick someone from Arkansas. I used to sell Cheerios there as donut seeds. 

Oh yeah, I'm picking up what you're putting down.

It would be stupid to buy a system just to play a game tat I’ve already played. It may not stop me though. 

nice, i always have a ball with these games

It’s also bizarre considering that the consensus here last week (rightly) defended Ariana Grande from people who wanted to blame her for her ex-boyfriend’s addiction issues.

So.... “The Red Pill Podcast”? Is it in any way associated with the “red pill” movement we all know and hate?

Said no one to that man’s face

It’s amazing how the last time this was posted people rushed to defend the couple and yet the only people with proven problems handling money are them.

Seriously. Plus, that was his money to squander, however he deemed fit. Fuck anyone who thinks his drug addiction is justification for denying him what was rightfully his.

Everyone knows Spartans can only achieve sexual arousal and climax by teabagging the fallen bodies of the opposite team.

It’s literally the plot of her porno movie. Her keys got stuck in the car, so she called two dudes who come over shirtless. Unfortunately, they brought the wrong type of lube needed to get the keys out of the car, so she says, “Well I know of another way to use it! I’m supposed to be walking a dog but I’d rather put

Clearly you need everything spelled out for you: This is just a simple misunderstanding.

Classics are classics for a reason. 

On a positive note, Jimbo can now check off “seeing the Eiffel Tower” on his bucket list. 

and the dogsitter was taking a shower.
