Jacob H

It’s almost as if people who spend their entire lives trying to kill or capture a mythological creature are not prone to logic or reason

Here’s the thing about Bigfoot: we have fossil evidence of animals that lived tens of millions of years ago, but no evidence of an eight foot primate wondering around the pacific northwest. While we find new species of new animals all the time, they tend to be small and closely related to other known species. If

So we are going to completely ignore the option of fucking Bigfoot?

Putting clothespins on power cords to save money by keeping electricity from escaping as waste is one of the stupidest fucking things I’ve ever heard. If people who believe this have kids that go to your kid’s school, you need to find your kid a new school.

I feel like a masseuse could make a killing just having a station near the Whitehouse doors.

“Trump Advisor Shoulder Special”

I mean, guy was a sitting Senator who died in office. I thought he was awful, but of course his death is a big deal and demands news coverage.

After her breastfeeding feet...

Virtue signalling isn’t limited to “SJWs”. Conservatives’ talking points rarely consist of anything but virtue signalling. Trump is probably the best example.

Hm. I always saw the accusations of virtue signalling to be more about insufferable bragging, rather than whether or not they possessed that particular virtue.

What’s hilarious is the people who use the phrase “virtue signalling” are ironically, often virtue signalling as well. Only in their case, they’re signalling that they’re not virtuous (i.e not an “SJW”) but are still signalling none the less.

there’s no other way to read your comment.  you popped up to try to score a point and now you’re salty you failed

That’s not why it’s toxic.

Labeling things “toxic” is ironically one of the most toxic, virtue signaling greatest hits ever

It was the third shittiest thing to come out of that movie (the first was the weird fandom of people who wanted to fuck the Oncler. The second was the movie itself.)

do you remember that whole “lorax-approved” Mazda ad tie-in?  that was the worst

I’m super about being super critical of advertising and its cultural effects and culture’s effect on advertising, and one thing I’ve noticed recently is a huge uptick in what I can only describe as “virtue signalling” in advertisements, but I get run out of forum discussions all over simply for using the term because

terms can indeed become toxic by association. look at the swastika, for example. it long predates nazism, but try telling to someone that your tattoo is just because of your devotion to eastern mysticism and see how they react

yea, hence my caveat

+1 meep.

This sounds a lot like what people mean when they say “virtue signalling,” as toxic as that phrase has become