Jacob H

I thought Super Hornio Bros. 2 was just a reskin of Doki Doki Literature Club.

Super Hornio Brothers One and Two!

Bill Watterson once said of the Noodle Incident from Calvin and Hobbes that he never felt truly tempted to ever explain it, knowing that anything he put to page couldn’t possibly compare to whatever his audience could come up with in their own minds.

From my understanding of it, “damage to the brand” can override fair use, and pornographic uses of (especially) family-friendly characters can qualify for “damage to the brand”.

It was for the “do women or black men have it harder” episode, Jenna was immediately chstised. I don’t recall any sort of remark about Jenna’s “Black Swann” though.

I’m surprised you had the guts to post that.

It's not the size of the fish it's the motion of the ocean.

Pretty sure that is just a regular fish from Alita: Battle Angler.

I’ve met Bennet several times and he is shockingly funny. I don’t know if I’d say president material but a good guy, I hope he gets Sec of Education. I’m glad he and Yang and poking fun at each other to lighten the mood a little.

Yeah, boy I’d sure love to try out what is sure to be a mediocre and overpriced vegan bowl, but damn it if I’m just not sure it’s worth the measles!

Yes, it always baffles me how many bioscience PhDs have glaring blind spots for the woo. That and the PhD students who would come to the lab every day wearing a Bible + Jesus tee shirt.

She’s also advocated for homeopathy, which is pure kook stuff.

She’s also an anti-vaxxer, something most writers for GMG think is not very smart

This could have changed, because it’s been, oh, nearly 20 years since I had a bowl of Apple Jacks, but I remember their advertising being centered specifically around the fact they did not, in fact, taste like apples. Kids don’t need logic to enjoy sugar.


The difference being she’s getting paid while the passengers are paying for the experience of not getting to their destination on time.

McKinnon’s PhD and book are about “norms of assertion” and that it’s okay not only to not tell the truth, but to baldly lie to win an argument. Both are easily googled. No one should trust her word on anything.

The author does mention it, though not initially. 

I support transgender inclusion in sports but maaaybe we shouldn’t rely on a philosophy PhD to provide biology expertise. The article felt like it got lost in some pretty unscientific discussion of gender with McKinnon. We don’t have to pretend that Y chromosomes don’t have a major affect on the athletic performances

Wait..... who hates the corner piece of a brownie?  If they’re done right, the corner pieces are the best part!