Jacob H

Do you know the most annoying thing about the age gates? They still pop up even if you own the game.

thanks for the helping hand

what would be truly hilarious is if she were somehow telling the truth

i hope the restaurant offers to foot the bill (you know it’s going to cost him an arm and a leg)

reportedly, this map is based on a real city!  what a rip-off!  i hope they paid those city planners royalties and apologized for plagarizing them!

new byline pic, huh?  it kind of makes you look like a politician, like mnuchin or something

what, no Smash Mouth?


since there is no bigfoot, any biped that they shoot at out there is going to be a human that they mistake for bigfoot. or i guess if they are lucky, a bear that happens to be standing.

You can use a Steam Link too, usually on sale for about 5$

oh sweet, i’m in seat 1.  I like this idea

there’s no other way to read your comment.  you popped up to try to score a point and now you’re salty you failed

To highlight the hypocrisy of cons who engage in a fictitious behaviour they themselves dreamed up

We have a perfectly good term for that. It’s performance and that’s the reason Gita used it.

Labeling things “toxic” is ironically one of the most toxic, virtue signaling greatest hits ever

it looks like it’s cut into 3 or 4 pieces. either that, or the wrapping is oddly layered. but you can easily get large spring roll wrappers, so that makes no sense.

anyone played Tricky Towers?  I love that one

the term he’s referring to is “virtue signalling,” not “SJW”

I don’t agree, most people use it to simply mean that the person referred to is being performative with their views, not that they don’t actually believe what they are saying. Here’s wikipedia’s definition, FWIW:

do you remember that whole “lorax-approved” Mazda ad tie-in?  that was the worst