Jacob H

terms can indeed become toxic by association. look at the swastika, for example. it long predates nazism, but try telling to someone that your tattoo is just because of your devotion to eastern mysticism and see how they react

I bet that half of the time he does this exhibit it really is just painted on

yea, hence my caveat

This sounds a lot like what people mean when they say “virtue signalling,” as toxic as that phrase has become

Could some wrestling fan tell me why he has a plate of pancakes?

I misread this headline as a call-is-coming-from-inside-the-house kind of thing

Why does everyone give him a pass for street racing, too?  ok, in the particular accident that killed him, he wasn’t driving.  but so what?  he was a participant.  what if they had killed someone in that accident?

There’s a pretty big production goof in one of the biggest movies of all time, Lawrence of Arabia. Throughout the whole movie, the editors left large empty black bars on the top and bottom of the screen. It’s actually very distracting to me, but nobody ever seems to mention it

I wish this was around when i was a kid.  i vividly remember the movie “The Dog Who Stopped The War” traumatizing the hell out of me.  SPOILER the dog dies at the end

i always call it the ‘nez’ and the ‘snez’

he understood the internet, and he understood movies. it was the whole “human mating behavior” that was a shock to his species

You do realize, this means war

Chris Rock and Eddie Murphy are currently fighting over the movie rights

i don’t know why lady frogs wouldn’t find him interesting.  i thought they found him ribbeting

that’s on land, it isn’t floating.  it’s artificially created land, but it’s land

but will it sous vide?

69 answers.  nice

you’d really just need to take 5 secs of video on your way out of the uber.  after all, what do you need the video on the beginning of the trip for?  in case the driver accuses you of cleaning up?

maybe this is a stupid question, but how are there even unopened packs from 20 years ago?

well, we know the joke worked.  we don’t know yet whether the event will