Jacob H

It’s almost certain that those people have good union contracts that would protect them in the event of an extremely abrupt pulling of the show.  And in the event of a non-abrupt cancellation, TV shows generally don’t last that long and those crew members have probably worked on dozens of productions before, or even

That depends entirely on what someone considers “sharp”. It has been rising since 2000, yes. Here, look at fig. 1:

eep  i hope you have an interesting hobby. 

you know what else is nice?  a nice glass of room temperature water.   aaaahhhh sometimes i’ll just sip one while i train my unfocused eyes on an empty patch of wall.

over-represented compared to the proportion of total restaurants that are Asian.  In other words, if 15% of restaurants in a city are Asian, and they get 18% of violations, that would be over-representation.  That’s what he’s claiming, I haven’t seen the numbers myself

I Heart Hopplebee’s

if that’s true for your municipality’s health department, I’m sorry. 

Any evidence whatsoever that they are targeting or marketing to minors? You certainly imply it. Minors love watching R-rated movies, too, I guess Disney is really shelling out the cash in “hopes of” hooking a new generation on age-restricted content, eh?

overreporting by whom? health departments don’t rely on permit patties to police their restaurants. they use random spot checks, generally chosen at random by a computer

buffets don’t keep records of who eats there and what they eat

Gere’s of war

ok, they can’t test the food from two years ago, but it seems like she went right to the hospital, surely there are records.  Maybe those show something, like her stomach contents at the time, her statement at the time, etc.  also it is possible that there is some kind of health dept. record of this restaurant. 

those are apricots

you only get the health benefits from swallowing them whole

Caribbean flare is an excellent source of magnesium

Wait til Twitter finds out that he hasn’t been asking for the dogs’ pronouns

made some sous vide ribs tonight using your 170 degree recipe, using sweet thai chili sauce for the final broil.  It was excellent, thanks!  found a 20$ new-in-box immersion circulator at st vinnie’s and I’ve been going through your back cat

it’s a terrible name. it doesn’t even evoke ‘cinema’ at all, given it has an “i” before the “a”

What if they dressed up the men in t-rex costumes?  I think further study is warranted

taco bout quick thinking