Jacob H

then i denounce that thing. besides, that thing I enjoy that the kids like used to be a lot better when i was a kid

if the kids like it, i distrust it

i didn’t say it was empty. I just said it isn’t land.

I thought a rib roll was when the other person thinks you sent a relevant link, but it’s really just a Rib Astley video

It’s a patch of ocean, not a patch of land

There’s a charity that re-homes black widow spiders? They must be destroyed

aw man! all that white on the map and my county’s green!

yes, i know, i did say that i was an idiot

Oooooohhhhh.... that Elvis Presley

So does that mean they rescinded the offer? Asking for a comrade

no, the small potatoes are extra

I’m an idiot. I scrolled up and down through this article after I read it, thinking to myself “now who is this ‘16 studios’? They sound familiar, what have they made?”

when I was a little kid we were all about sandbox games

but can it run cry-sis

So Travolta looks like Fred Armisen now

“professional cosplayer”? How does one get paid for that?

Bill rounded the bend into Roseanne territory a while ago. It was all the anti-vax BS that really turned me off, personally

It was funny how heavily they emphasized PORTRAIT MODE in the presentation. I couldn’t tell if that was meant to be humor or not

“Are you a bad enough dude to save the president?”

Man, he should calm down. He’s going to have a heart attack