Jacob H

I should play AC: Iliad first, so I’m not...lost

the 9 and the 0 are right next to each other, and iphones have very small keyboards

She’s a fvking nazi, this is small potatoes compared to that. Also:

Definitely not. One of the first things he said was that it was going to be 100% online

There was one thing about the Fallout announcement that was unclear to me: He stressed that you would be able to play everything solo, yet he also said several times that every other person you meet would be a real person. So am I wrong to assume that means that, even if you play solo (that is, with no party members),

k, fair enough

What’s a skateboarding “sim”? Is that a reference to some kind of career mode...? Are they just being fancy?

The jogger destroyed the man? Also, where’s the close-parentheses? Also “residentsl”

I assume you mean “hyped” and “sprite,” and yea, I hope they reference it too

That thumbprint must have been the size of his whole hand

It’s obvious why they chose this release date

Gamestop probably isn’t too thrilled about this

Anyway, here’s an interesting pie graph that displays man-made methane by source (2010):

plus, if something never gets released, it never gets popular, and thus there is no demand for OOAK collectables

I’m not 100% sure about that, though. What if that album leaked, became extremely popular, and thus the original gold disc actually went up in value? I could see that happening, too.

Wait until she hears about the plight of the people in Latveria

Is this really true? I mean, obviously if you strain out some or all of the solids when you make a smoothie, you’re losing fiber. But simply puree-ing it somehow ‘eliminates’ the fiber? How??

We have tons and tons of bottle return machines in Oregon. I assumed they were nationwide.

It’s obvious why this happened